what pregnancy vitamins do/did you take ?


Well-known member
hi guys ! i found out i was pregnant yesterday - super excited !

today ive bought the pregnacare original tablets and i am thinking of buyin some calium chewwies :)

also i rarely eat fruit and veg so now i am going to start doing so but i might need extra vitamins to give myself a helping hand !

what would you recommend ? what did you have ? is there anything else i need to take ? THANKS :D :D xx


Well-known member
Sorry, I don't have any kids so I can't really help you... But I wanted to say congratulations!!


Well-known member

You'll need more than a calcium. folic acid is particularly important for preventing neural tube defects, which should be in the tablets you got. Often a doc can prescribe the vitamins too depending your coverage. here's a link to prenatal nutritional information from Canada Health: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/nutrition/prenatal/index-eng.php

hi guys ! i found out i was pregnant yesterday - super excited !

today ive bought the pregnacare original tablets and i am thinking of buyin some calium chewwies :)

also i rarely eat fruit and veg so now i am going to start doing so but i might need extra vitamins to give myself a helping hand !

what would you recommend ? what did you have ? is there anything else i need to take ? THANKS :D :D xx


Well-known member
My doc prescribed some called prenatal plus. You'll usually need a rx to get the recommended amount of folic acid, unless you want to double up on otc vitamins. I think the recommended amount is 1mg, most otc prenatals have 800 (I think) mcg.
Also, congratulations! Do you know how far you are? I'm 14 weeks+1 day, due October 7!