What reply would suggest in response to this?


Well-known member
Even though i have preached about buying MAC on eBay,to almost all my sisters,cousins,workmates etc one has slipped the net

My little cousin (well i call her little because she is only 19) bought the dreaded fake Fluidline
cut the story short ,she only realised when she spoke to me about her "fab bargain" and i checked the item on ebay, unfortunately it is counterfeit! Cousin doesn't want cause any hassle,(her words not mine ) arghhh
Item piccy is below...Item nu:280369944199


To add the insult to injury ,the seller is adamant that the item is genuine !!Although only yesterday she got a negative from another buyer for it !!
This is the reply she send "
document.write(''+hidelink+''); i am happy to settel any unhappy customers problems. they r authentic i used 2 work 4 mac thankz

[FONT=arial, sans-serif]- natz751[/FONT]
[FONT=arial, sans-serif]Ok i hope im not going to offend anyone but this is my pet hate when people use "text talk "in writing emails etc,fine if you text someone on your mobile to me is just not really acceptable espcially when running ebay business,albeit selling fakes![/FONT]
[FONT=arial, sans-serif]Please suggest suitable replies guys ...people like this seller just give ebay bad name and of course to MAC!I can't believe it !Oh and she has sold 33 of these already

[FONT=arial, sans-serif]Thank you all

[FONT=arial, sans-serif]PS. Counterfeit dept.on weekends must be extra slow,i have reported her listings but nothing has been done ...[/FONT]


Well-known member
has she actually paid for it yet? if she's not paid then tell her not to pay because it is a fake. and i agree on using text speak like that! try to sound professional at least!

perhaps she could send one back saying that if she used to work for mac she would know that mac have never ever produced a fludiline that looks like that , let alone come with a brush. if you have a picture of an actual fluidline try and send that too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
has she actually paid for it yet? if she's not paid then tell her not to pay because it is a fake. and i agree on using text speak like that! try to sound professional at least!

perhaps she could send one back saying that if she used to work for mac she would know that mac have never ever produced a fludiline that looks like that , let alone come with a brush. if you have a picture of an actual fluidline try and send that too.

Thanks for your reply.Unfortunately she has paid for it
... i know,i know what a bummer !I think i will point the seller in direction of Julieb150463,she has currently on her auction MAC Fluidline ,which i know 1000% that it is the real McCoy!
I dislike immensly such obvious deceit,like pretending that you have worked for MAC....


Well-known member
yeah it's really shitty of people to lie... and to actually try selling it in the first place! if she paid via paypal then she can dispute it. i disputed one where i bought false lashes and they never sent them. paypal gave me my money back quite quickly


Well-known member
Has she received it yet? So far i've had to file claims for 2 items that were fake, and I received my money back both times; even with the sellers swearing they were real. But they could never prove it. Guess they "lost" the receipts....

Maybe send the seller a pic of a real fluidline? or ask to see her receipt?


Well-known member
Did she pay through paypal? Gosh, I don't even know how to respond to such blatent deceit. It's like, fluidlines are round, not square. I would tell her to be ashamed of herself for selling something that could be potentially dangerous (you put it on your eyes for goodness sake!). You should really scold your cousin though, she is the one who fell for the deceit when all she had to know is what a fluidline looks like :/


Well-known member
Girls thank you
She has paid

Paypal,doesn't automatically gives refunds if you the buyer declare that item is fake(especially anything to do with MAC makeup)!You as a buyer have prove that the product is counterfeit/fake.Seller says it is AUTHENTIC MAC...she knows she worked for MAC

Anywyay to win your PAYPAL dispute you need a written letter from someone like MAC rep,or makeup artist !What makes me mad is that this particular seller has been reported on sunday and since then nothing has happend and she has sold 7 more of these!!Althogether 33 pieces for £8.99 each

Cousin bought it ...because her best friend was using...yeah you guess she bought exactly the same fake Fluidline of someone else on...ebay!
I bloody give up ...rant over
Thanks again
PS.What is the use of reporting sellers of fakes when ebay do zilch!They emailed me to SIGN the petition about showing support for trading etc..twice now!!When are ebay ,going to listen and give some support to buyers/sellers!