what should my face wash routine be like ?


Well-known member
his nose ring makes my nose feel weird though , like honestly i'm scratching my nose everytime i look at his videos lolll


Well-known member
AM: Cleanse, tone, treat, eye cream, moisturize
PM: Makeup remover, cleanse, tone, treat, eye cream, moisturize

I do a scrub 1x/wk, and a mask 1x/wk (not on the same day, but after watching Petrilude's vid, I may try it like that) I normally do either after makeup remover, but before cleansing (per the Clinique 'rules'--not all products are clinique though)...


Well-known member
Eye makeup comes off first, then I clean with a lotion/cotton pad. Follow that with an exfoliating cleanser, and I always use a Buf Puf Gentle -- 2x day, followed by a Salicylic Acid Toner (several lines have this type of toner), which I alternate with a Glycolic Acid Tonier (M. Badescu). After all that, I do my moisturizing.. lol. Twice a week a full scrub or mild dermabrasion, followed by a mud mask and a peel off mask (I alternate these depending on my skin).. my skin, mercifully is spotless and poreless after all this!


Well-known member
oh and don't forget -- what you take off, you must replenish.. eye cream 2x day, serum, moisturizer for day, night cream, and special drying cream if you are getting a zit or feel your pores are too open