What to expect from MAC Group Interviews?


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Chelsea, PM'd you!

For everyone else, this is what happened during my group interview:

I was in a group of about 8 people, with 3 interviewers. We started off by introducing ourselves to the group, just talking about ourselves, what our goals and passions were.

From what I can remember, we were asked the following questions:

- When was MAC started and by whom? Continued to chat briefly about company history.
- What is your impression of MAC?
- What is important to you in a work environment?
- What is the one attribute your best friend would use to describe you?

They were mostly 'getting to know you' questions, and seemingly unrelated to makeup. Just make sure that you answer the questions honestly and try to have your answer relate to makeup and the job.

Make sure you speak up, and try to give answers that are different from everyone else. (a lot of people at my interview kept agreeing w/ the first person to answer the question and basically gave the same answer. in my opinion, the only person that benefits is the first person

Everyone was dressed in black (although it's not completely necessary) but if you're dressing in all black, make sure your accessories really pack a punch! I'm not saying go overboard with your accessories, maybe 1 or 2 key pieces, just to complete the look. (i.e. one of the interviewers wore a black tank, black bohemian-style skirt, silver chandelier-type earrings and one of those sequined belts that you tie to the side... so not overly accessorized but just enough)

i hope this helps!! good luck to those who scored a group interview!

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