Originally Posted by Tahti
^ I don't get how flipflops can even be comfy ;; every time I've worn them I swear they try and splice my foot in two. I totally agree about the cross-season dresssing... wtf?!
Yeh, they may be an Aussie icon but I hardly ever wear them. Usually they rub between my toes and peel the skin off... it's nasty. I only wear them for short periods on very hot days or down at the beach.
I don't know if it happened anywhere other than here , but a few years back they made rubber thongs with HEELS. (I looked on google but couldn't find the ones I mean, so it seems it must be an Aussie thing.) It was so weird. They disappeared shortly after, so now I wish I had bought a pair just to bring out when I'm sad so I can have a laugh. They were amusing, but not as ugly as Crocs. Those things make me want to vomit, rather than laugh. It seems that there are others out there who hate them even more than I do however:
I Hate Crocs dot com.
On my google search for heeled rubber thongs, I did find something strange: