What Trend Do You Wish Would Go Away


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
What on earth?????

I also have to comment on the Crocs, the first time I saw them I was in the Denver airport two years ago and my Mom and I were like "What the F are those people wearing on their feet???" There was a whole family tromping aroudn in em and we were horrified. We went back and forth for a few seconds, "Maybe they're gardening slippers?" I don't know why anyone would own such terrible things.

Okay also the HUGEMONGO t-shirts and sweaters which is some kind of hop-hop, urban thing. It looks like if a strong enough wind blew, these guys would take flight. It's more like a sail than a clothing item. It's just beyond me. It's all fun and games until your t-shirt gets caught on an escalator or something.

I'm not sure if it was covered anywhere in this topic but another "fashion" problem that bothers me is a little thing I have dubbed "The Pajamaization Of the Nation" it's a problem folks, especially anywhere near college campuses. You are supposed to sleep in your pajama's, not go outside in them. Yes, I understand you're just running to the store real quick, or to blockbusters or you're going to sit in a dark movie theater, well that's nice but put on some damn clothing people, not pajamas!
My roomate from S. Korea was beyond perplexed by this fashion statement. She kept syaing " So it's style?" and I kept saying "No, they're just too lazy to get dressed!" The best was when she would tell me how she would see girls with their hair and makeup done yet still wearing pajama pants on her college campus. I'll sum up her thoughts on the subject, "So weird!"

This totally cracks me up Bernadette...and PS, I bet you'll be "thrilled" to know that CROCS now come in a (get this) wedge sandal AND a ballet flat (for those who want to make sure they're fashionable while gardening??)! I kid you not!


Well-known member
All right I don't know if anyone mentioned this, rediculously cheesy, cheap looking bug eyed fake designer glasses for 1.
Flats and assorted "skimmer" styled shoes. Some look classy others just look lame to me.
Skinny jeans on unflattering body types. Just face it this style only looks good on the people that have the body for it.
I don't wear them because I know I will look rediculous.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I hate the bug-eyed sunglasses look too. I understand big sunglasses but you should really keep them in proportion to your face.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I hate the bug-eyed sunglasses look too. I understand big sunglasses but you should really keep them in proportion to your face.

i especially hate the ones that look like my great aunt could have worn them in the 70s...you know the ones im talking about


Well-known member
In makeup:
Nude lips, nude lips, nude lips, and nude lips.
I'll admit to being prejudiced on this point, because when I try to wear nude lips, I look like I need a blood transfusion now!
I could live without black nail polish, too.

Jeans that ride very low; in some cases soo low that you can catch an occasional glimpse of "reverse cleavage." :eek2:
Jeans worn under dresses. This always reminds me of elementary school, when we girls would wear shorts under our dresses, lest some boy catch a glimpse of our underpants when we were doing our excercises in P.E.
Tattoos over every visible micrometer of skin.


Well-known member
Mostly the whole 70's/80's "retro" thing. Personally, I'm ready for the future. Bring on the avant garde fashions please! I don't mean body suits either lol... But ffs it's 2007. Let us move forward!

Also, skinny jeans on men. Ewww.


Well-known member
Trends and/or Styles that need to die:

Crocs: unless you're a lifeguard and/or you work at a water amusement park etc. These shoes are practical at these places.

Sandles with socks: OMG horrific!! I live in Colorado so I see alot of men wearing socks with their Tevas....blech!

fannypacks: I STILL see people carrying these around not flattering at all!

Uggs with miniskirt: it's friggin cold here in CO or it's warm so the Uggs are nice but the miniskirt...nope

Mullets: great to laugh at but seriously people...

Unflattering hair color: too frosty blonde, brown hair that looks like wood, red hair that looks clownish...consult a stylist...please!!

VPL of any sort!

Track suits with bulky sneakers (like K-swiss): I will see a lady with this outfit on and her makeup all done, hair all done, and a full set of nails. You KNOW she's not going to go work out!!

I think it's cool that people dress like the music that they're listening to. However, I don't even think alot of kids know bands like The Ramones, Led Zepplin, etc etc. Please for the love of God only wear a band shirt if you know the bands music!! So annoying for people like me who grew up listening to Guns and Roses, you're wearing the shirt yet you don't know who Axl Rose is!
Sorry about the rant...


Well-known member
The guido thing....the fake guido....

the juiced up, fake tan, making stupid kissy faces for the camera, lipgloss wearing(i have witness some), fake Chanel earrings & glasses, tight shirt wearing, spiky hair that will poke my eye out kinda guy...

oh yea & the ones i know are like full percent irish..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stefania905
The guido thing....the fake guido....

the juiced up, fake tan, making stupid kissy faces for the camera, lipgloss wearing(i have witness some), fake Chanel earrings & glasses, tight shirt wearing, spiky hair that will poke my eye out kinda guy...

oh yea & the ones i know are like full percent irish..

OMG! You took the words right out of my mouth!

Don't forget the sweatbands around the foreheads, the incessant middle finger in pictures, the "wifebeater" t-shirts, and fake huge jewelery. Those are necessities.

Get Off Our Island!

Perfect examples.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
fannypacks: I STILL see people carrying these around not flattering at all!

I saw them being sold on a trendy website for clothes; I don't remember which one. I hope they're not making a comeback.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dizzy
OMG! You took the words right out of my mouth!

Don't forget the sweatbands around the foreheads, the incessant middle finger in pictures, the "wifebeater" t-shirts, and fake huge jewelery. Those are necessities.

Get Off Our Island!

Perfect examples.

hun, you know whats sad...in one picture on the "get off our island website", its a few guy at a club; the picture looks a tint of blue but its just the club's dark lighting.....yea i know those guys lol.

I live on Eastern LI..right by the Hamptons tooo.
(...so i wont lie...60% of my guys friends do look like them..shhh! lol. but they are the smart fake guidos...not the "duh" kind)

OMGGG THE SWEATSBANDDDDDSSS....LIKE SERIOUSLY, i just wanna snap them on their foreheads over...and over...and overrr.


Well-known member

That's hysterical that you know someone on there. I went to school out on LI for a semester so I found that site sooo funny because it's so true.

It's in Westchester too, though. I can't tell you how many times I see blowouts like that and think "damn, if he falls someone's getting an eye poked out"


Active member
I am ready to see those sparkly/sequin purses go away... You know, the ones with the shimmering discs all over that were cute last summer...


Well-known member
oh i also hate when groups of girls wear identical outfits or maybe co-ordinating outfits where one will wear a pink skirt, one wear a pink jean and the other wears a pink shirt. it makes me sick.

ohh and one time at work a group of girls walked in and one girl was wearin pink converse and the other black so they switched one shoe so each wore one black and one pink...bleurgh!


Well-known member
the whole wannabe italian "look" on guys and girls!

fake tan, overdone makeup, skimpy outfits, pouty lips, over-gelled hair, i could go on.

jeez. you're making us true italians look bad!


Active member
um...im I shopping in soho last week and it felt like i died and woke up in 1982. Lol...it was so horrible. ALl the young ladies had on those big door knocker earrings. Big huge bangs. The most colorful outfits I've ever seen. The denim..lol @ the denim..u kno that horrible..stone washed denim..oh yeah its back. The boys..geez louise the boys...all looked like they stepped out of a run dmc video. Down to many boys were walking with big boom boxes on their shoulder. I blame this on ebay.lol..becuz I couldn't figure out were all of this would come from..lol

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