what was your very first job?


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I myself havent found one yet but it makes me wonder what my first job will be once I start applying to different places. This brought me to this subject. what was your very first job? how as it?


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hollister co.

ugh, it sucks. i still work there. i've been working there for about 6 months now. i hate some of my bosses but thats what u gotta deal with when you work you know? it sucks working there cuz they're so anal and want everything to be perfect! and i'm not like that i'm so laid back and easy-going, and i dont really wear their clothes its just not me. haha but its the only place that would hire me.


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I worked at No Frills grocery store for two whole years. Now that I look back I kinda miss it, because I would just goof off sometimes with the girls. But I also hated one of the managers, who was younger than me and treated me like shit. I could rant about that forever. Plus it was unionized but we never got anything from the union. They took my money, I never got a pay raise, Sunday bonuses or anything like that. And the customers were assholes; everything was my fault and shit. I should have yelled at them. If I went back to work there, I'd turn out hell on the customers:p Currently not working, but if I get the guts I'll apply to MAC.


Well-known member
My very first job was at a Marshalls and I worked in the fitting room. It was a lot of fun - I worked with some crazy people and I ended up staying there until I went away to college. Even after, I worked there the first winter and summer after I had started school. The pay sucked but it really was a great experience.


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I was a dishwasher in a nursing home, it was three hours a day and was great because it wasn't full shifts -just ruined my nails... but I was a senior in HS and kitchens in nursing homes aren't bad if you need a first place to work. Plus the pay was above minimum wage at that time.

Julia Vanhorn

Well-known member
My first real job or my first paying job? If it is the first, then it was a deliverer for Pizza Hut (I hated those days, so stressful and annoying after a while) but if it is the second, you will be scared when I tell you this lol... I was a gogo dancer (although I barely made any money out of it and business at this club was really bad, it was pretty much a has-been club. But I really enjoyed dancing so I was happy).


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Makeup Artist, when I was 14(1992). My grandmother owned a Merle Norman cosmetics studio. I looked well over 18, so no one was the wiser.
I worked in there since then on and off(co-owned with her, for the past 4 years or so) until last June, when I left. She sold the store in October. I've done a lot of other stuff, but that was my first job.


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I was a playground leader at two different locations in my town. Keep the kids entertained, take them swimming, have contests and carnivals. It was fun and I got paid a lot and that was many years ago.


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I worked as a cashier at a local Bradlees - think lower-rent Target - and it completely sucked. I was 16 and all my friends worked there.


Well-known member
I worked as a server at Johnny Carino's this Italian restaraunt. It was fun sometimes and plenty of people to flirt with haha, but food service ia a really the crappy job. you have to deal with so much sh*t, from the managers, cooks, and customers..I quit after 6 months.


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Victoria's Secret
and I still have way too much stuff from there!


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I was a flyer (newspaper) deliverer. And let's just say that sucked a lot. And I got paid 9 cents per paper. lol I quit as soon as the weather got colder.


Well-known member
Very interesting, well you got to start somewhere ya know. It doesnt matter if your washing the dishes or go go dancing, there's a new thrift store opening it looks big and I was thinking of working there but my mom was like "no i dont want you to work at the thrift store!". Then I got a job at City Wear, I just walked in asked for an application the lady said they didnt have any so she just interviewed me shortly about my schedule and I got the job but then I told my dad about it and he said " no its to far from where we live!". It was like 10 min. away without traffic. So its hard finding a job when you dont have a lisence yet.

I wanted to work in a clothing store like American Eagle, A&F and hollister but a lot of ppl said its hard because ppl keeps messing up your folding and you have to re fold again, it gets annoying. I dont know where to start but I guess you have to start somewhere and not be picky about where you work, just as long as it pays you.


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I got a temporary job through an agency doing laboratory work with a company called MediSense that made medical diagnostic devices. I was only supposed to be there for two weeks helping out while someone was off sick but they liked what I did so much that they moved me to a different position. I was still there four years later doing development work when the company was taken over by Abbott Laboratories and they made all the UK research and development staff redundant. That cost me my funding for medical school


Well-known member
Oh yeah! I totally forgot about my paper route, that was waay back in grade 6. My parents made me do it; I kept it for like a year. I got paid soo little; $16 a month to deliver 200-something papers a week!! And it was freezing in winter, paper route in Canada. Blech.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pink_minx
So its hard finding a job when you dont have a lisence yet.

I wanted to work in a clothing store like American Eagle, A&F and hollister but a lot of ppl said its hard because ppl keeps messing up your folding and you have to re fold again, it gets annoying.

yes these are all very true!! lol. i didnt have my license yet and my mom had to drive me all the time. like for hollister, they had the group interview. then after that the orientation and then some thing where they say u get 'free jeans' but the catch is u have to fold all the stuff in the store w/ everybody!! lol. so that was a lot of driving.

and yeah they mess up ur folds a lot esp if u have a sale!


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I worked for the city (of san francisco) as a Sport's Camp Counselor during the summer. It was fun! Minimum wage was only $4.25 at that time but all we did was play sports with the kids all day long. I was 14


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the very first job of mine was being babysitter, the first real job was picking tomatoes from the plants every saturday morning from 6 till noon with hundreds of these horrible bumblebees!!!!

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