What was your very first MAC product?


Well-known member
My firsts were Bronze e/s and Spirited l/g. My poor wallet had no idea what it was in for...


Well-known member
e/s: honeylust
mascara: zoomlash i think
liner: stubborn brown
pigment: entrmauve
foundation: mskin finish
powder: NA
blush: margin
lipliner: softwood
lipglass: oh baby... my very first l/g and i fell in love with mac!
lipstick: holiday set 2005 i think
misc: nail polish coral suite


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JGmac
My firsts were Bronze e/s and Spirited l/g. My poor wallet had no idea what it was in for...



Well-known member
Originally Posted by SugarAsh182

Lipglass: Nico (purple l/g with glitter *sigh* a 15 year old's dream lol)

Haha actually my first-ever product was Nico l/g, and I was 15 at the time. =P
I bought it because of the name 8) but I gave it away a long time ago. =/


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xmamax
Verve lipstick when I was 13 so that must have been 1995.

Verve lipstick was my first MAC product, too. I think I got it around 1997 or so.

Then for some reason it took me quite awhile (2004) to get more MAC. I was at a conference in Dallas and had some extra time to go shopping. A wonderful MA helped me pick out Bare Canvas paint, Cranberry and Sketch eyeshadows, and Foxy Lady eye kohl. I LOVE Cranberry but never would have picked it out for myself. So...a big THANK YOU to the MA who helped me out back then (a very nice man at the Nordstrom at North Park mall in Dallas)!


In 2003 (a relative latecomer) I bought Style blush and Powerhouse lipstick at the same time. I ran out of Style ages ago but I still have, wear and love Powerhouse!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MIZZYFRUFRU
the first items i purchased were oh baby lipglass w/a chestnut pencil. fell in love from the first purchase.

how funny, that was a part of my first purchase too!

in addition to that, i also got an nc65 studio fix, bronze e/s, amber lights e/s, fetish l/s, ebony e/l, and black mac pro lash.


Originally Posted by Robin
Verve lipstick was my first MAC product, too. I think I got it around 1997 or so.

Then for some reason it took me quite awhile (2004) to get more MAC. I was at a conference in Dallas and had some extra time to go shopping. A wonderful MA helped me pick out Bare Canvas paint, Cranberry and Sketch eyeshadows, and Foxy Lady eye kohl. I LOVE Cranberry but never would have picked it out for myself. So...a big THANK YOU to the MA who helped me out back then (a very nice man at the Nordstrom at North Park mall in Dallas)!

Wow !!! So that was probably the "in" lip color at that time!?
Verve was my first MAC purchase too!
Got it in 1998 at a Mac counter somewhere in Singapore (don't remember!).


e/s: Trax, Shroom
mascara: n/a
liner: Prunella Kohl
pigment: Vanilla
foundation: Studiofix C15
powder: Blot Light
blush: Style
lipliner: Spice
lipglass: Prrrr
lipstick: Gliss


Well-known member
After visiting the store for like a million times and gawking at all the pretty colours, I finally sucked it up and bought some. Ah, the memories <3

Anyway, my first MAC purchase was Electric Eel and Melton Mauve. And like many have said, I've been hooked ever since!!


Studio Tech NC44!!!! Fell in love with the foundation :p... but now its to dark for my skin..so i need a new color match..


Well-known member
My very first MAC purchase was Viva Glam I lipstick with 80% lip pencil. The only reason I bought it that day was because I had my makeup done for a holiday party and I wanted the same color lipstick to freshing up with through out the evening. I would say that the Strange Hybrid collection was was drew me into the whole obsession with MAC.

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