What was your very first MAC product?


Well-known member
Aside from my brushes (it was impossible to find make-up brushes at that time, in the '80s... no one else was making them) my first product was Taupe lipstick. We thought we looked sophisticated in such a dirty brown/gray matte lipstick, but in reality, we looked really bad.


Active member
My first products were explicit lipglass and cork pencil.


Well-known member
1992- vival glam 1. this was the original viva glam not the estee lauder repromote. it came with a condom. i was in high school and my mother was NOT pleased. there were no mac stores in dallas. i used to order it through the paper catalog they printed.


Well-known member
the first time i went into MAC I left with four eyeshadows, Humid, Greensmoke, Nylon, and Carbon. One Eyeliner, I cant remember what it was though, and I have recently misplaced it, grrr...a 266 brush, and a 232 brush. *sigh. that was 2 yrs ago.


Well-known member
i bought some products when i had my makeup done for senior prom..

-pressed powder compact NC35
-plum lip pencil

-flusterose lipglass


Well-known member
My first purchase was a palette of four that included Shroom, Sable, Sketch, and Beauty Marked. It was love at first sight!


New member
e/s: EXPENSIVE PINK and HAUX together (random???... i went in for a "natural" daytime eye and walked out with this... and i'm a boy. lol.)
mascara: PRO LASH. promptly returned it because i never wore mascara before and didnt know how to apply it correctly. a few months later i bought it again and loved it.
liner: SMOLDER. i went in for a black eyeliner and the artist asked me if i wanted it "water-proof", or "smudgy", or "precise".... i had no idea and walked away with this.
pigment: fairy lite
foundation: F & Body! love it to this day
powder: select sheer pressed. never really used it much.
blush: uncommon
lipliner: sublime culture

lipglass: lust
lipstick: hug me!! i wore it out that night and a cute gogo boy at the club hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek!


Cork Lipliner
Ohh Baby
Clear lip gloss
Lip conditioner
brushes about 5
Naked Lunch e/s
NC45 powder

I was so amazed when the MA did me and didn't look made up i bought everything. Couldn't recreate the look again. LOL


Well-known member
The first thing I ever bought was this gorgeous limited edition blush, can't remember the name now. It was about fie years ago, I still had it up till about two years ago but I lost it
It was a gorgeous sparkly colour. I wish I knew where it was.


Well-known member
Swish eyeshadow about 6 years ago that I still have because I knew nothing about makeup back then! I just bought it because I LOVED the color but rarely used it!

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