What was your very first MAC product?


Active member
I just recently started using Mac products, so this is what I've purchased so far:

studio fix foundation nw45, mineralize skinfinish deep dark, and prep n prime.


Well-known member
e/s: sketch (this was THE first mac product for me)
mascara: zoom
liner: smolder
pigment: full size was blue brown (i got 20 samples online first)
foundation: studio mist. uggh
powder: studio fix
blush: lillicent
lipliner: brick
lipglass: posh it up
lipstick: brave
misc: brush set.... from... i dont remeber when. it had kind of asian looking bags. 2005?


Well-known member
e/s: ricepaper
mascara: zoomlash
liner: black russian pearl glide
pigment: copper beam le
foundation: mineralize satinfinish
powder: studiofix
blush: nuance mineralized blush le
lipliner: cherry
lipglass: cult of cherry
lipstick: russian red
misc: 187 brush


My first was the blacktrack fluidline. I converted both my sisters into MAC with this eyeliner, it is still the best liner for me!


Well-known member
e/s: Chrome Yellow (bought it here the other day)
then yesterday I got my very 1st foundation: SFF NC50, and SpringBean Lustreglass!!! Yea me


Well-known member
Can I have two firsts???

First ever was when I was 16 and it was Pervette lipstick and Club e/s, along with a bunch of face staples. That was when I was ALOT less high maintenance than I am now.

When I was 22 I abandoned MAC for BE for a few years because I wanted to try something new. When I recently got back into MAC my new firsts were six of the Dazzleglasses, Melrose Mood l/s and Foolishly Fab plushglass.

Now it is all over but the cryin! I have to support a BE habit and a MAC habit. My bank account is toast!


Well-known member
My first items were actually from my mom. She has always used MAC eyeshadow as far back as I can remember, so my first items were B2M items that she let me choose the colours for: Sequin, Skew, CB96, and Pink Freeze lipsticks, and she gave me her Lychee Luxe lipglass a short while after.
And she wonders now why I'm MAC-obsessed...
my FIRST EVER MAC purchase wass... Jewel Blue e/s

Haha, back in the 8th grade, so that was like.. years ago? hahahhahahah wooooooooow =P


Well-known member
My MAC "firsties" were:

Mulch e/s
Sketch e/s
Chestnut l/l
Oh Baby l/g
Lust l/g
Studio Fix Powder (bad choice)

...this was the beginning of the addiction.


e/s: n/a
mascara: n/a
liner: blacktrack fluidline
paintpot: painterly
pigment: n/a just samples
foundation: hypereal in nc 400
powder: NA
blush: spaced out from scifi
lipliner: NA
lipglass: N/A
lipstick: Myth
misc: colour forms advanced brush set


Well-known member
e/s: Jest, Bronze, & Black Tied (at same purchase)
mascara: /
liner: Fluidline - Blacktrack
pigment: /
foundation: Studio Tech NW20
powder: Select Sheer Pressed
blush: Sunbasque
lipliner: /
lipglass: /
lipstick: Royal Assets Pink Lips Palette
misc: /

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