What was your very first MAC product?


Well-known member
My first MAC products I got were from my bestie for my birthday in April.

She surprised me with a few goodies from the Hello Kitty collection that she knew I was interested in: Tippy blush, Fun & Games blush, Lucky Tom pallete, and the HK doll.

After that I was hooked! I came back a week or so later and picked up a few goodies. Then came back a few days later and got even more from the Rose Romance collection. The MA even recognized me!


Well-known member
Hello Kitty lipglass in Mimmy .

I thought it was kind of a crappy purchase at first, I regretted not getting Tippy blush instead. But now that I'm using Revlon's Nude Attitude Lipstick with Mimmy over it it's gorgeous on my lips and I love it !


Well-known member
wow my first mac purchase..... was riot,scheme,and stomp.... i think from the experiment color collection... that may not be the name it was like 11-12 yrs ago. i got eyelashes to but i cant remember the #..... mac has come a long way because back in the day they did NOT have the vast arrray of colors (foundation) for woc. JUST LIKE WINE THEY GET BETTER WITH TIME


Active member
my first MAC purchases were 5 years ago: Tempting e/s, Shroom e/s, Retrospeck e/s and Antiqued and i continued to buy products from them on and off, but it wasn't until the Sugarsweet collection that i became hooked


Very first Mac product: A tub of plain silver glitter gel, probably for body.
Yes, that's right.

I was 12, it was my 6th grade graduation. (I'm 20 now) Apparently, my idea of getting dolled up for this occasion was putting random glitter gel on my cheeks and eyes. Wow is it embarrassing to look at those pictures. I don't even think Mac carries that anymore.

My second Mac product that I actually used often and correctly was Prrr lipglass my freshman year of high school. Because I read in Seventeen magazine that Paris Hilton used it.

Yay adulthood! I definitely just made a big mental note to teach my future daughters about makeup. Early.


Well-known member
I first started with MAC when I was in 9th grade roughly (I'm 21 now, so not too long ago I guess lol). My first eyeshadows were Freshwater, Fade, Swish, and Electra. I also got my first pigment in my sophomore year in Softwash grey. I kind of didn't pay much attention to MAC except when I had dances and I would get various colors to match my dresses but beginning last year I got a thing or two here and there but this is the year I became hooked and addicted!


New member
3 years ago, Shimmermoss and Humid e/s. Too bad I can't find MAC in my country yet
and I have to ask all my friends to bring me.

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