What was your very first MAC product?


Well-known member
my first purchase was two summers ago... i went a little crazy my first time.

vanilla, star violet, gleam, and folie shadows
nightfish fluidline
springsheen blush
chicory lip pencil
vival glam iv lipstick
opal lustreglass
272, 208, 217, and 239 brushes


Active member
My first Mac Product was Sweet Sienna pigment XD
It was my first pigment and I completely fell inlove <3 and haven't stopped buying other MAC pigments since.


my 1st haul from mac when i 1st started with makeup was vanilla pigment,blacktrack fluidline,187 brush(cz it looks cool at that time),hug me l/s,and lipgloss i can't remember what's the name..


My first MAC item was prrr! lipglass I recieved as a gift when I was 13.

The first MAC purchase I ever made was the clear lipglass sometme in junior high...ewww lol

I never realized I''ve been using MAC for this long being that I only recently started getting really into it.

e/s: crystal & steamy
l/s: viva glam v
concelear:studio finish nw 25
powder: studio fix c25
blush:on a mission
brush: 194
skincare: strobe cream
misc: brush clenaser


Active member
it was either lipglass in florabundance or lychee luxe - i still have and love these and am on my 4th tube of florabundance and 2nd of lychee luxe


Active member
EDIT: My first ever product was Brush Cleanser. I forgot about it!

I ordered from the online store for my second time, so I got a sample of the ZoomBlack Mascara and a tinted lip conditioner in Popster from the Hello Kitty collection.


New member
My first product ever was bronzing powder in golden! Not long after, I picked up all these "firsts" at my CCO:

e/s: Star by Night
beauty powder blush: Shy Beauty
lipglass: Prize Petal
lipstick: Her Fancy


Well-known member
I am not sure.. but probably studio fix nw45. wow.. thats way back before I really knew about MAC. I guess then MAC was just some cosmetic line that actually had my shade!!!

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