What was your very first MAC product?


New member
Mac Well Dressed Blush
Fell in love with mac instantly x


My first ever MAC purchase was a slight disaster (SFF NC30 I think?) so I like to not count that in xD
Second time around I got the SFF NW25, the studio finish concealer, trace gold blush and 2 lustreglasses I can't remember the name of.


Well-known member
I am still getting started with MAC after huge cllections of smashbox, kryolan etc, but my first ever MAC buy was Spice lipliner and Sharkskin shadestick. I dont have a store where i live so the big postage puts me off a lot of times. But with the free postage this weekend i have just bought Electric Eel and Sketch eyeshadow and a fluidline in Macroviolet as im all about purple at the min


Well-known member
Studio Sculpt foundation & Pro long lash. Didn't rate either, however it didn't put me off.

Then shortly after, I got Nice Kitty & Fast Friends lipglasses. still loooooove nice kitty


New member
For about a year, I looked into MAC from afar. Honestly, I was really daunted by the idea that I wasn't good enough at makeup to warrant spending the money on the expensive/amazing products. A couple weekends ago, after being a makeup enthusiast for years, I went in with a couple hundred dollars and came out with a bag full of stuff. I was beyond giddy.

E/S = Sumptuous Olive, Carbon, Gesso, Nylon, Steamy, Swish, Embark, Vanilla, Goldmine, Print, Violet Trance, Clarity, Beauty Marked
Brushes = 239/217
E/L = Fascinating Eye Kohl
PP = Paint Pot

After working with tons of drug store cosmetics for years, I was just blown away by the quality. Consider me wholly converted.


Well-known member
My very first MAC product was Studio Fix Powder in NC35 because I saw a friend wearing it. I didn't really like it because it was too heavy and powdery looking (maybe because I used a cheap brush at that time).
Now I'm okay with it because I spray my face with Fix + before applying it with my 109 brush and I try not to use a lot. It's handy for days when you don't have a lot of time to do your makeup, or just for going to a friend's house.


New member
My first MAC purchase was Studio Fix Powder in NW15 and Carnal lipstick.
It was in 1997 while I was on holiday in Seattle, I was devastated when I got home to Australia (where I lived at the time) to find it wasn't available there yet.
I'm still a MAC newbie, so I only own a few products..whatever.

e/s: Woodwinked
mascara: n/a
liner: n/a
pigment: milk
foundation: n/a
powder: do beauty powders count in this? if so, 'pretty baby'
blush: moon river
lipliner: n/a
lipglass: mimmy
lipstick: creme d'nude
misc: pink fish TLC

I may not have alot, but I'm still


Well-known member
I just got into mac late last year
The first items I got were the Nude Rose and Blood Red lipsticks from the Dsquared collection, and the night sky softsparkle eye pencil. I loved them so much, I kept getting more mac products!


Well-known member
My first MAC products were Way to Love l/s and Virgin Kiss l/g. I brought them on May 7th '09 in Gatwick Airport south terminal. Is it sad I remember the exact date and place?


Well-known member
Mine were sushi flower e/s and pink venus e/s and wonders of what a painterly paint pot could do to your eyeshadows...it was like love at first sight

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