What would you do?


New member
my friend just purchased the same brush set on ebay I did. And they are fake. I honesly didn't know people even faked MAC till someone on another forum was like, you better hope they aren't fake.
Anyway, she took it to the store to have them identify that they are fake. And they were so there policy is to keep the brushes now and they get sent with all the ebay info to the company. And they gave her back a piece of paper stating they weren't real.
Anyway, paypal is gonna ask her to return items to the seller (which she told the people at MAC and they said, why should they be returned so they can be resold again?) But if you do a chargeback you don't have to return the item.
Now I'm in the same boat and don't know what to do. I just emailed the seller. However I dont know what to do.


Well-known member
Maybe the piece of paper they gave her will be enough proof.
Tell her to make sure she makes a couple of copies.