What's everybody getting from A Muse?


Well-known member
Sorry if this has already been posted, but I'm just wondering what everybody is planning on getting.

My list:
All 3 MSF's
Ciao, Manhattan lipglass
Illusionary/burning ambition duo
persona/sreen vinyl duo
and the interview/purple x duo

I just hope I have enough $$$ for this! :|


Well-known member
2 shooting stars and a procelain pink (as a back up). I already have a shimpagne plus a backup.


Well-known member
fluidline x 2 (new weed and graphic brown)
duos x 2 (bright side/gallery gal and illusionary/burning ambition)
lipstick x 1 (charm factor) <----B2M
msf x 1 (shooting star) ....pending, if i am not lovin' it, no deal!


Well-known member
Shooting Star MSF
15 Minutes l/s (with B2M)
Lithograph f/l
New Weed f/l
and possibly the pink/purple duo...


Well-known member
Hmmmm not much..

Shotting Star MSF
A Backup of Shimpagne MSF
Illusionary/ Burning Ambition MD
Graphic Brown F/l

Thats it for now! LOL


Well-known member
I'm wanting:

-Shimpagne& Shooting Star MSFs
-Pink Maribu& 15 Minutes Lipsticks
-Lip 65 Lipglass
-New Weed Fluidline


Well-known member
We'll see, but I am planning on:
Porcelain Pink MSF
Litograph fluidline OR Graphic Brown fluidline
Pink Maribu l/s


Well-known member
All the duos, Shooting Star MSF, New Weed f/l, Lip 65 and Ciao, Manhattan lipglasses, Charm Factor and 15 minutes lipsticks.


Well-known member
All 3 MSFs
Pink Maribu & Charm Factor E/S
2 Mineralize e/s Duos
Ostentatious, I think that's the name, F/L Maybe it's from a diff. collection, oh well I'll get it when it does come out =D
Graphic Brown


Well-known member
for right now, i'm set on getting:
2 shimpagnes and
1 shooting star (unless it's too dark for me)
I think porcelain pink is way too light/chalky for my skin tone.

anyhow, i'll be broke by the time i get these msfs!


Well-known member
im only allowing myself 1 item from this collection, b/c i know myself if i dont get in control of this MAC spending habit im going to go broke
lol " ewwwww i just can t help it"


Well-known member
I want:

- Mineralize duo e/s Illusionary/Burning Ambition
- Mineralize duo e/s Bright Side/Gallery Gal
- Mineralize duo e/s Interview/Purple-X
- Mineralize Skinfinish Shooting Star
- 15 Minutes lipstick OR Charm Factor lipstick
- New Weed fluidline OR Graphic Brown fluidline
- Lip 65 lipglass
- Ciao Manhattan lipglass

And a second Shimpagne MSF if I have enough money..


Well-known member
i really am feeling the lip glosses, and even some of lipsticks, but i already know i'll probably end up passing on the MSFs, at least porcelin pink, since i know pinks look bad on me

i HATE mineralized shadows, so all of them (fortunately) are a "pass"


Well-known member
All three MSFs.

Bright Side/Gallery Gal e/s duo

Interview/Purple-x e/s duo
Pink Maribu, because I lost my first tube. XD


Well-known member
I'm interested in:

--1 of the MSFs, whichever one suits me...and if none of them do, I'll leave them for everyone else who loves them!
--Factory Made lipglass--heard it was created and produced w/ MAC as a Factory magazine project!

I'm actually more interested in the upcoming Untamed, Rockocco and Zandra collections.
