What's everybody getting from A Muse?


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A negative bank balance


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I plan on getting 2 Shimpagne, 2 Shooting Stars and 1 Porcelain Pink, plus all the duos except one.

Of course this will probably totally change once I see everything in person, as usual!


Active member
I'm going to have my makeup done by mac that day so i will see what i like before i get anything. but right now i am allowing myself: 1 lipstick (B2M), maybe 2 lipglasses,2 eyeshadow duo's,one fluidline and all 3 msf...wow thats gonna be lot...so glad i only got the lipglasses from turqatic....


Well-known member
1 of each:
MSF's -
Shooting Star
Porcelain Pink (This new one, will be a backup)

Fluidines -
New Weed
(Just preordered Graphic Brown from Nordies)

Probably wait for swatches for the e/s duos.

No l/g or l/s - the colors don't thrill me.


Well-known member
15 minutes lipstick
Lip 65 lipglass
New Weed fluidline
Shooting Star MSF
Shrimpagne MSF
Porcelain Pink MSF


Well-known member
oh geez I have a shopping list for the next few collections haha

A Muse
.ciao, manhattan lipglass
.brightside/gallerygirl e/s
.persona/screenvinyl e/s
.new weed f/l
.graphic brown f/l (maybe)
.shooting star msf
.shimpagne msf (HOW DO YOU PRONOUNCE THAT?!)
.porcelain pink msf (if its not too close to shooting star)

I think thats somewhere around $150 haha ouch. I may get all the e/s duos just to have and try while I'm at the beach the following week and if they don't work out I'll return them. but at the same time I feel bad denying some other mac lover those two or three items ah. who knows!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by d_flawless
i HATE mineralized shadows, so all of them (fortunately) are a "pass"

may I ask why you hate mineralized shadows? I've never tried them but I want lots of different opinions and info so that the SA doesn't just sell it to me ha


Well-known member
MSF's for me...I've never had any...and I've heard so many wonderufl things, so whichever looks the best...I'm grabbing it and a backup!


Active member
All of the msf's
Charm Factor l/s
Lip 65 l/g
Ciao, Manhattan l/g
Factory made l/g (maybe)

Maybe an eyeshadow duo or two. I kinda wanna wait for the swatches or see them irl.


Well-known member
the 3 msfs and new weed f/l.

im saving myself on eyeshadows for the collection (if forget the name!) with all the bright new e/s. although i may pick up a back up of waternymph if i can find one seen as mine has a huge dent in it already!


Well-known member
2 shooting star msf
2 shimpagne\
no porcelain pink..it does not show up on me and no one can be lighter.


Well-known member
oh god, like almost everything...
-New Weed
-Graphic Brown (reddish browns make my eyes look greener <3)
-Shooting Star
-a few of the duos
-Blonde on Blonde l/s (maaaybe... I'm a sucker for references to bob dylan)
-15 Minutes l/s
-Charm Factor l/s
-Factory Made
-Ciao, Manhattan

oh welll... thaaankfully technakohl doesnt excite me.


Well-known member
LIp 65 l/g
Factory Made l/g
Ciao, Manhatten l/g
Bright Side/Gallery Gal eye duo
another eye duo but I don't know which yet...
All the new fluidlines
2 Shimpagne MSF
2 Shooting Star MSF


Well-known member
I've stashed up enough empties for two B2M l/s! yaay! (haven't decided what ones yet hmmmm...)

I am waiting mainly for Untamed and Rockocco (sp?).. but

Shooting Star MSF
Ciao manhattan l/g
the 187 or 182 brush
then just some regular line stuff... which will make my total $ spent go wayy up, I just know it.


Well-known member
I would like at least one of the msf since I don't have any, but I am not sure which one:confused: I also would like bright side/gallery gal eyeshadow duo and Illusionary/Burning Ambition eye shadow. Ciao Manhattan lip glass and lip 65 lip glass. It will all depend on funds. I want to get quite a bit from the Tschnacolor collection so I might have to pace myself here.


Well-known member
Shooting Star (possibly, must see in-store)
Illusionary / Burning Ambition
Bright Side / Gallery Gal
Interview / Purple-X