I'm going to have my makeup done by mac that day so i will see what i like before i get anything. but right now i am allowing myself: 1 lipstick (B2M), maybe 2 lipglasses,2 eyeshadow duo's,one fluidline and all 3 msf...wow thats gonna be lot...so glad i only got the lipglasses from turqatic....
oh geez I have a shopping list for the next few collections haha
A Muse
.ciao, manhattan lipglass
.brightside/gallerygirl e/s
.persona/screenvinyl e/s
.new weed f/l
.graphic brown f/l (maybe)
.shooting star msf
.shimpagne msf (HOW DO YOU PRONOUNCE THAT?!)
.porcelain pink msf (if its not too close to shooting star)
I think thats somewhere around $150 haha ouch. I may get all the e/s duos just to have and try while I'm at the beach the following week and if they don't work out I'll return them. but at the same time I feel bad denying some other mac lover those two or three items ah. who knows!!
Originally Posted by d_flawless i HATE mineralized shadows, so all of them (fortunately) are a "pass"
may I ask why you hate mineralized shadows? I've never tried them but I want lots of different opinions and info so that the SA doesn't just sell it to me ha
im saving myself on eyeshadows for the collection (if forget the name!) with all the bright new e/s. although i may pick up a back up of waternymph if i can find one seen as mine has a huge dent in it already!
oh god, like almost everything...
-New Weed
-Graphic Brown (reddish browns make my eyes look greener <3)
-Shooting Star
-a few of the duos
-Blonde on Blonde l/s (maaaybe... I'm a sucker for references to bob dylan)
-15 Minutes l/s
-Charm Factor l/s
-Factory Made
-Ciao, Manhattan
LIp 65 l/g
Factory Made l/g
Ciao, Manhatten l/g
Bright Side/Gallery Gal eye duo
another eye duo but I don't know which yet...
All the new fluidlines
2 Shimpagne MSF
2 Shooting Star MSF
I've stashed up enough empties for two B2M l/s! yaay! (haven't decided what ones yet hmmmm...)
I am waiting mainly for Untamed and Rockocco (sp?).. but
Shooting Star MSF
Ciao manhattan l/g
the 187 or 182 brush
then just some regular line stuff... which will make my total $ spent go wayy up, I just know it.
I would like at least one of the msf since I don't have any, but I am not sure which one I also would like bright side/gallery gal eyeshadow duo and Illusionary/Burning Ambition eye shadow. Ciao Manhattan lip glass and lip 65 lip glass. It will all depend on funds. I want to get quite a bit from the Tschnacolor collection so I might have to pace myself here.