What's first? Crease or lid?


Well-known member
I normaly do my lid first and then the crease, but I read that some do the crease first. What's your routine? And if you do the crease first: why?


Well-known member
To me makeup is all about what makes you comfortable, there really are no rules per se.

I do my lid first because I just like doing it that way.


Well-known member
It really depends on what kind of look I want to achieve!
If I want to build up a brighter color I put on a color on the whole lid, put another color on top of it and then go for the crease!
But usually I go from the darkest to the lightest color which means that I start with the crease!

Julia Vanhorn

Well-known member
Originally Posted by bocagirl
To me makeup is all about what makes you comfortable, there really are no rules per se.

I do my lid first because I just like doing it that way.

I second this, I like to work my way up to the brow. It is easier for me to blend this way.

But I think the MA's at the MAC counter will probably most likely tell you work your way down. I have tryed that a times and it feels very backwards for me.

It is whatever makes you feel most comfortable doing.


Well-known member
If I do a crease (I can make my asian eyes look bruised really easily), I do it first b/c it looks less harsh, more blended. If I need it to show more, I can always add a bit later.



Well-known member
it depends on my mood, honestly. BUT, i honesty can blend better when i do crease first. plus, i read from son_risa that it balances out your eyes or something, like puts stuff in proportion so you know where to put everything else. look @ her gorgeousness, makes sense...


Well-known member
I'm really odd with my application I think...i do my highlight first, then lid then crease/browbone. Bottom lashline last!

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
I used to do my lid first then the crease, but noticed that I always had to go over the lid b/c my crease color took over. Maybe it was the brush I was using, but now I just do the crease first, then pack the color on the lid. Works much better for me when I'm attempting to do a good job on my makeup


I do always first the entire lid (up to the eyebrows) with a neutral colour, then lid and then crease. I think it blends better this way. The last thing is the liner


Well-known member
Hi sweetie (hope you are fine!)

I also do my crease first, then it's easier for me to blend the color up into the highlighting color! Then I do the lid, the highlight and if I like I add another darker color in my crease!


Well-known member
I do my lid first, then crease fo no real reson - just do it the same order no matter what the colors are. I usually touch up the colors once all of them are in place.


Well-known member
sometimes ill do my lid first & sometimes my crease first it just depends on my mood. i see a difference sometimes when i do my crease first


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Midgard
Hi sweetie (hope you are fine!)

Hi hun!!! I'm sick, broke and I hate my job, but beside that: yeah

Thanks ladys, I guess I'll try the crease first next time to see the difference. I just keep forgetting about it early in the morning lol


Well-known member
crease first. it makes blending and eye shadow placement much easier. everything falls into place a bit better. in my opinion of course.


Well-known member
I do highlight, then lid, then crease. But after reading some of the replies, I might try highlight, then crease, then lid.


Well-known member
I usually do lid, then crease, then highlight....

Apparently I might be better off starting with the crease! Who knew?!


Well-known member
I do my lid first, add my crease color, then I do my highlight and if I am doing one that day, my outter > is last and maybe a slight highlight touch up. I guess this is just the way I watched my mom do her make up growing up so when I starting applying it I modeled it after hers.

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