Originally Posted by kradge79
To comment on the original article, well, the whole idea that someone would choose to terminate a pregnancy based on the fact that the child has a disability absolutely sickens me.
I think many mothers see it as sparing the child. And with even earlier methods of detection being developed, it's allows future mothers to abort a pregnancy sooner, and concieve a healthy baby. Is it really that sickening to want a healthy child? I dont believe any mothers who find out their children are diagnosed with any of the genetic diseases are pleased with the diagnosis.
My sister has Down syndrome and her life is just as full and great as anyone, heck sometimes I think she's better off. |
While ignorance is bliss, I really don't think you can compare the lives of someone born with a genetic disability, and another w/out and say their lives are equally fufilling. The discrimination alone that those unlucky enough to be born with a genetic disease face is just one facet of life they will have to endure, that those born healthy, do not.
Is she any less of a person because of it? I don't think so. Sure she has her issues, but point me out one person who doesn't. |
I do agree everyone has their issues, I dont really think you can compare being stressed, dramatic, depressed, etc, with having an extra 21st chromasome.
I believe God chooses to have people with those kinds of disabilities on the earth for a reason, just like anybody else. She has definitely influenced my life in profound ways. |
A lot of these disabilities are a result of civilized life, science, and medacation. Because of out lack of natural predators, and how easy it is to have our basic survival needs met, conditions that would otherwise not exist, are able to thrive. I expect to see a lot more disabilities enter into the population as parents have children at later ages, and medical technologies advance that make conditions that were once fatal (like severe premature births) survivable.
When my sister was born in 1985, the doctor suggested that my parents institutionalize her and basically forget her. Because she has what he obviously viewed as an inconvenience, she doesn't deserve love, care, and a good home? What a bastard. |
I do commend those parents/families that give these children the love and support they need. The love of a family should be unconditional once a child is born, sadly it is not always the case.