what's your best feature...?


Well-known member
face overall and the "twins"


Well-known member
I get the most compliments on my hair. It's naturally curly and this weird red color lol! After that I guess boobs, but overall I'm pretty darn happy with the way I look. Of course, it took 30+ years for me to get to where I feel this way


Well-known member
hmm body only... i get a lot of compliments on my legs but i think they're chickeny. i would say hands, but they get scratched up a lot by parrot talons... so i'll go with boobs and shoulders.


Well-known member
prolly my petitness if that makes sense. haha. people always say i look like a fairy.

and my eyes. im told they look like cat eyes because of the shape and the color is greenish blue.


Well-known member
My eyes. I'm Malfoy pale and blonde but I have dark (we're talking navy) blue eyes. People have said they're the first thing they noticed when they met me.

After that, it's my hair, then my legs.


Well-known member
My hands long thin fingers... 4.5 ring size
my eye color - green-grey and they change- but it seems like a lot of makeup addicts have green eyes- someone should do a eyecolor poll.


Originally Posted by Alexa

No doubt!! You have the most beautiful eyes ever! Not to mention the huge talent you have for making them look wonderful with color!


Well-known member
Face: my eyes, the deep pooles of hazel eyes and my lips* i had my bottom lip worked on a year ago but it died back down to normal * but when i wear certian lipsticks they go all Lil' Kim on me lol -

Body:my tattoos, some men think they are intimidating but others with tattoos thinks its hot or exotic (i preffer a tall guy with sleeves) - and my tah tahs- men can't resist cute boobs, i might get a tit job when im older i want to be a C or D - my goal is to look like Mae West god shes gorgeous!


Active member
This is hard for me as I find it much easier to say what I don't like about my body lol

My eyes and my boobs are probably my best features



Well-known member
before i became a mom it was definitely my hair & skin. now, w/ those two seriously effect i'd have to say that it's my overall youthful appearance even though i'm fluffy. maybe someday the fluffiness will minimize. i finally started working out again since breaking my leg so maybe this is the start? :hump:

anyway, here's a teenage orodwen:



Well-known member
hmm... I like my lips. I like my boobs, too.. but I think they're a little small. they have a "pamela anderson boob job" shape naturally. I'm one of those lucky ones.

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