What's Your Fave Red lipstick for WOC?


Well-known member
i am nc45 and my favourie red pilsticks are ruby woo and mac red,i know mac red is not matte but it is to die for-i wear both with cherry lipliner


Well-known member
Well I was gonna say Chanel Rouge Allure Laque in 75 (Dragon). That is my favorite red lippie of ALL TIME.

BUT... matte would be NARS Scarlett Empress.


Well-known member
I'm C7 and I think Nars Scarlet Empress is too dark/cool on me. I want to try Fire Down below or Shanghai Express next.

For MAC, I have MAC Red and So Scarlet (same opinion as Scarlet Empress), but I think perhaps I'll try Ruby Woo or Russian Red next and see if one of those does it for me.

Needless to say, I've yet to find the perfect red on me. Y'know, the one you can wear without any other makeup on and it's perfect. *sigh*


Well-known member
I recently swatched some red lippies by MAC a few days ago and found that Viva Glam VI is hawt so i purchased it. I swatched these lovelies and put them on my wish list.
Lady Bug
Mac Red
Brick Red
Russian Red


Well-known member
Ok, I just picked up Nars Fire Down Below, and it's perfect


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kragey
Ruby Woo is great, but it tends to be a bit drying IMO. I love Dubonnet on all skin tones and shades!

I totally agree!


Well-known member
I've recently just tried Mac Russian Red which I love! I tried Ruby Woo but it was a bit bright on me, I wasn't quite sure I liked it...this is my first time trying red though.


Well-known member
Im loving M.A.C's Russian Red and Ruby Woo. When using Ruby Woo I mix it with so Carmax just because it can feel too drying for me after awhile. I use Brick, Beet and Redd lipliner!
I find Mac Viva Glam I to be the red that works the best with my skin tone (olive undertones). Paired with Mac Mahogony lip liner it is amazing !!! Love them both!!! The pigmentation on viva glam I is so intense that I don't think I will ever need a new tube of it untill it expires.


Well-known member
I'm on Team Ruby Woo. And although I don't own it, I think Nars Scarlet Empress looks delicious!!!!!