A bit lighter than NC15 1. Tenderling 2. Pinch o Peach 3. Springsheen
IvoryLady Member Jan 21, 2007 #21 A bit lighter than NC15 1. Tenderling 2. Pinch o Peach 3. Springsheen
moonrevel Well-known member Jan 21, 2007 #22 NC15/NW15 1. Pink Swoon 2. Slave to Love (mostly for the contouring goodness) 3. Sweet William (Blushcreme)
NC15/NW15 1. Pink Swoon 2. Slave to Love (mostly for the contouring goodness) 3. Sweet William (Blushcreme)
squirlymoo Well-known member Jan 21, 2007 #23 1. Pinch Me 2. Peachykeen 3. Dollymix I'm probably about a NW20.
VivacousCupcake New member Jan 21, 2007 #24 My favorites are: 1.) Springsheen 2.) Peachy Keen 3.) Fleur Power NW20
SELFstyled Well-known member Jan 21, 2007 #26 NC30/35 - Pinch O' Peach - Rare & Refine (couture collection)
Simply Elegant Well-known member Jan 22, 2007 #27 Well dressed Cheek Springsheen I'm not even NC15. Maybe like NC10 or 5.
Kristen Well-known member Jan 22, 2007 #28 NC35 Fleur Power Primpin' from Primpin'/Golden Kitty Mocha
little_angel Well-known member Jan 22, 2007 #30 i'm an NW20 1. fleur power 2. dolly mix 3. breath of plum
enka Well-known member Jan 22, 2007 #32 I hate anything that screams blush, but I love MAC Strada. Matte soft pinky beige. Great for contouring and a perfect hint of colour. Looks blah in the pan, but sooo nice when applied! NC 20, N2, black hair, hazel eyes, aged 32 for ref.
I hate anything that screams blush, but I love MAC Strada. Matte soft pinky beige. Great for contouring and a perfect hint of colour. Looks blah in the pan, but sooo nice when applied! NC 20, N2, black hair, hazel eyes, aged 32 for ref.
neotrad Well-known member Jan 22, 2007 #33 NC15 or lighter. 1. Foolish Me 2. Desirous + Shy Angel 3. Goddess
Katja Well-known member Jan 22, 2007 #34 I have never owned a MAC blush, but I saw Goddess this weekend, and it appears like it would be one of my favorites. That and Peaches.
I have never owned a MAC blush, but I saw Goddess this weekend, and it appears like it would be one of my favorites. That and Peaches.
merleskaya Well-known member Jan 22, 2007 #35 NW 25 Variety Pink Lure stain Little Madame eyeshadow merleskaya
annielise Well-known member Jan 22, 2007 #37 NC30 OMG. Nothing beats duo blush in Tigerlily/Bloomsberry! This is my most favorite blush ever. Far second woule be Springsheen.
NC30 OMG. Nothing beats duo blush in Tigerlily/Bloomsberry! This is my most favorite blush ever. Far second woule be Springsheen.
a914butterfly Well-known member Jan 22, 2007 #38 NC20 Pink Swoon Cute Shimmersweet (too bad it was LE) Celebrity Pink (too bad this was also LE)