what's your haircolor?


Well-known member
just dark brown...lol with highlights coming thru from previous hair dying


Well-known member
Naturally-Dark brown, with golden highlights/shine, almost reddish tinge. Its a wierd trait in the family.
Don't know if I want to dye it.


Well-known member
Originally: It's been to long to remeber, from what I can remember light dull mousey brown

Now: medium blonde with lighter highlights, though it changes all the time I'm forever swapping between brown & blonde


Well-known member
My hair's originally medium brown, I guess!

Now it's uneven and many different shades of blonde/copper/orange. I was bored and I tried to bleach it but it turned out really brassy and strange. I grew to like it though.


Well-known member
originally: when born it was lead-black in colour & lightened to a light w/ some medium, neutral brown
now: pale bottle blonde w/ orange & purple. can share a pic if you like.



Naturally: Very Dark Brown

But I dye it black with platinum blonde highlights on the top only. It looks really cool. But since I've had it like that for about a year and a half now, I was thinking of changing it. I like how black hair suits me with a mixture of platinum blonde, so I was thinking of dying my hair all black and then putting platinum blonde highlights on the under layers of my hair with a few light purple highlights and a few grey-ish highlights.


Well-known member
Naturally black.. right now it's black. I refuse to play around with dyes anymore. I could shoot myself for putting highlights in for so many years.


Well-known member
Naturally: Medium Brown with reddish undertones

Was: Medium Brown with Light Brown, Caramel, Blonde highlights

ark Brown from a box with some color peeking thru from previous highlights..looks cute tho...lol


Well-known member
Natural hair color equals;blondish color.

Right now equals;plat.blond in the back,top/front;black,red,violet red,and blond.

I need to get my roots done in the back soooo bad.


Well-known member
Great timing, I posted a pic of my hair in today's FOTD forum
It's always been kind of a red color, varies from more strawberry blonde to auburn, but it's hard to nail down just one color
It's my natural color, too, although my brows are black as anything. Weird....


Well-known member
Yeah, um, I couldn't tell you my original colour if my life depended on it. My mom used to be a hairdresser, and I/she has been colouring my hair since I was 15. Ahh, I miss the days of virgin hair when the dye actually took and went a really intense colour. Right now my hair is brown with caramel highlights, but I just got it all chopped off. My next hair app't we are going to put a whole bunch of funky bright colours into it. I'm thinking reds, oranges and purples for fall, but I never know from one day to the next. I'm always changing my mind. Which is the reason my hair went from shoulder lenght to not there at all. Oh well, my mantra is "the colour always fades, and the hair always grows back"


Well-known member
naturally, my hair is a very dark brown - it almost looks black in pictures. I started getting it streaked about a year ago (blonde) and a lot of times, some streaks will stay blonde and others will become a golden blonde / golden brown color. I have streaks all around, but I left the underside of my hair my natural color - it looks like my hair is "dipped."

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