What's your MAC purchase rate?


Well-known member
ooh, well I thought by purchase rate you were going to ask how much we spend per week/month/year and was ready to bust out the numbers in my Excel spreadsheet (such as # of prod/month and spend/month. I track the date of every purchase so I (unfortunately) know how much this addiction costs me, and have the graph to prove it. I'm trying to limit my monthly spend rate to $100, which is half of what I've averaged since I started last Oct. Gulp! Visit-wise, once a week sounds about right. Let's just say I expect a spike in the graph once C-Shock is released.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsCuppyCakes
Too much, between specktra and the MAC Pro store and counters, roughly 3x weekly.

Now I know I'm in good company! I go whenever I can, this week alone will be about 3 trips...:eek2:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsCuppyCakes
Too much, between specktra and the MAC Pro store and counters, roughly 3x weekly.

Gawd....me, too. My wallet will be more than happy when I get back to NO. There's just too much here in TX. MAC purchases are bad enough, but you throw in Sephora, Ulta, ebay, Specktra & the CCO + No resistance to temptation......I need to go home.


Well-known member
I'm always present at the MAC counters whenever a new collection comes out (most likely the weekend they release new stuff). Then when a collection is really nice, I come back and help myself to a second serving.

In between collections, I still feel the need to get "the basics". I don't know, I guess I always find an "excuse" to go the MAC counters. That's where I head to when I need some cheering up.

So that's about 3-4 times a month.


Well-known member
1-2 times a month. I'm hardly at the counter/store unless I'm checking out new collections. I usually order everything I want online.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
huuuuge dont even describe her collection check out macwhores collection in the traincase forum..

Can I say... OH MY GOD
Look at all these e/s, lipsticks, foundations and... god, all this stuff!! I'm just speechless... :notworthy: now "Non-Stop" means something lool


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stickles
ooh, well I thought by purchase rate you were going to ask how much we spend per week/month/year and was ready to bust out the numbers in my Excel spreadsheet (such as # of prod/month and spend/month. I track the date of every purchase so I (unfortunately) know how much this addiction costs me, and have the graph to prove it. I'm trying to limit my monthly spend rate to $100, which is half of what I've averaged since I started last Oct. Gulp! Visit-wise, once a week sounds about right. Let's just say I expect a spike in the graph once C-Shock is released.

That's a very good idea to do your accounts. I try to keep them up-to-date too and sometimes I feel a little bit guilty after a MAC raid... but the feeling just fades away when I'm using all my stuff


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I just buy what I really like and need, and know I will use.

Same here... as I get older I learnt to buy only what I'm sure to use. But as I'm going every now and then, the bill is sometimes sizeable


Active member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Hmmm....I think my MAC purchase rate would best be described as.....


LOL..... I am the same way. I think its worse now since my job location has changed and I am now two blocks away from the SOHO store.


Well-known member
MAC store once a month, Nordstroms counter once a week, I always see a gloss or lippie on someone and go search for the color at the Nordstroms counter..


Well-known member
I was burning a hole in my wallet when I 1st started getting into mac - it was like almost every weekend for a while. I've toned it down since barbie. I think once I got some basics and enough to change my looks I have been able to give my bank account a break and be more selective. But I am still resisting the urge to splurge!


Well-known member
I go about once a month, and spend anywhere from $50-$100 each time. With huge collections like Barbie, I spent $250. It really varies as I usually only buy from the LE collections and not so much from the permanent line other than foundation.


Well-known member
The last couple months I lost my marbles and spent $200+ each month...I guess I was excited that I had joined Spectra or something
So now, I've come back to reality and reminded myself that I'm starting back to school and want to buy a home in the Fall, so it's 1-2, maybe 3 items/month for me. My bank account and credit cards are huffing and puffing from exhaustion and are prolly thanking me that I finally decided to cool it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I don't buy up the whole collection. I just buy what I really like and need, and know I will use.

Same here. If there's a new collection coming out in which I'm especially interested, I'm usually ready to pounce when it comes out, but I actually buy only a few select items that really appeal to me.
Lip colors are my weakness; I usually buy at least one lipstick per month.
"Barbie" was an exception; I liked soo many items in that collection.
I ended up buying two Rocking Chick lipsticks, two Moth Brown eyeshadows, Magic Dust eyeshadow, Don't Be Shy blush, and Malibu Barbie lipglass.


Active member
I just started purchasing in October 2006 and I've made 7 orders online. I tend to purchase about $75.00 or more to get free shipping. If there's something I like from a collection I may get it. I always order online so I don't have to pay tax, plus the closest counter is 1 hour away from me.


Well-known member
I have been going once a week. I usually spend about £50 each trip but the last time was £85. I also have been buying MSFs and backups of the Barbie collection off of Ebay.

I would go every day to Mac if I could.


Active member
i go to MAC once a week at least [because i'm at malls or near MAC stores at least 3-4 times a week, and i usually have a half hour+ to kill], and i don't buy something every time i go, but i spend $100 a month on MAC as my personal limit, but does not include special collections, and i allow myself 3-5 items depending on price, any more than that and i use my monthly allowance.
yes, i am extremely anal retentive.
but this particular plan came from the heart attack i had looking at my credit card bills from last year. one word: OUCH.

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