what's your take on this website? maccosmeticslv.com


Well-known member
clearly the brushes, "palettes", and liners are fake...but i'm really curious about those eyeshadows and lipglosses...what do u think?


Specktra Bestie
It's hard to tell, because the swatches that they use are all just copied from the MAC web site. I would guess that they are as fake as everything else...


Well-known member
i want to believe that theyre not fake lol..it almost seems like maybe they had access to some real stuff real cheap like at a CCO or something and some is real, and some is fake. but we'll find out beccause im about to order a couple shadows, lashes, and a lipglass..i'll let you guys know lol


Well-known member
Good luck LC - hope you get real stuff.

Personally, I think that they are selling counterfeits as they are using stock swatches.


Well-known member
I think this website cannot be trusted quite obvious that everything are almost counterfiets. The brushes are fake, the pallets are fake, prices too good to be the truth. Well, i advice dont take the risks ):


Well-known member
lol..dangit!. ok i'm just going to order one eyeshadow to see if it's fake or not.. i'll let you know


Well-known member
I just got this error when trying to pay with paypal for my eyeshadow:

"Transaction Cancelled

This recipient is currently unable to receive money."

they must have gotten shut down *shrugs*



Well-known member
I would stay away from that site.


Well-known member
Why would you want to order a shadow that is most likely going to be fake? I'd stay away from that site (and hopefully they are shut down and stay that way).


Well-known member
pinkbasset..it's only 3.50 for a shadow, plus a small shipping fee. my curiosity is so strong at this point, if it's fake, then i just got a really cheap eyeshadow! lol. i don't think i can do it anyway because their company is not accepting any payments right now, so oh well


Well-known member
I think $3.50 says it all, no way it's genuine. I just wouldn't want to give money to the whole fake business, fakers directly or re-sellers, no matter how cheap it is. Who knows what crap those products contain.