When did you find out?


Well-known member
I was thinking about when I found out the Toothfairy, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny were not real.

Toothfairy--I was 11 and heartbroken. I was looking for a button and opened the wrong container. It had all my teeth and notes.

Santa Claus--It was the year the movie, Polar Express came out. My mom just walked up to me and told me. So, when I see or hear the music for that movie I start to cry. I still wish Santa Claus was real though. My mom says as long as I write a Santa List every year, I get a gift.

Easter Bunny--I figured that one out when I was 12. I went downstairs at 1 pm came up at 1:30 and the gift was there. So, I figured it out. My mom told me the next day anyway.

How about you?


Well-known member
I was 5 when I stopped believing in all of them. It was Christmas Eve and I stayed up all night, waiting for Santa to arrive and he didn't. Instead, I caught my mom putting the gifts under the tree. From then on, I knew Santa was a load of crock.

That same year, I lost my tooth and I had put under my pillow, expecting the tooth fairy to drop by. At about midnight, my mom came in my room and I felt my pillow being lifted, so I woke and yelled, 'You're not the tooth fairy!!' The next morning, I thanked her for the two loonies (toonies weren't out then).

I never believed in the Easter Bunny, sadly.


Well-known member
I don't remember (it was a long time ago!!)...but I still "believe" in Santa...and the song from the Polar Express makes me cry as well...


Well-known member
I caught my mom hiding eggs on Easter morning, I was probably 6 years old.
I found all the "special wrapping paper" that "Santa" uses in the garage a long with the packages in the trash can to my Dolls one year I was also like 6 maybe 7

Toothfairy, I did the same, I found all my teeth one day in a jar in my moms room (GROSS SHE STILL HAS THEM!)

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
i was 14 when mom told me about father christmas lol, but i had suspected beforehand though. i just liked playing along lol.

toothfairy - about 10. never really believed in easter bunny


Well-known member
I don't think I ever believed in any of them. My parents never taught me that they were real. Sometimes they would make joking comments about those characters, like "I wonder what 'Santa' is going to bring you this year, heheh." But they knew that I knew they weren't serious.


Well-known member
I was 6 for Santa - I asked for a Barbie doll. When Christmas rolled around my parents were like "there's no Christmas for us, we're Muslim!" For some reason this made me think Santa wasn't real at all, because if he were he would've brought me a present, Muslim or no.

I was 7 or 8 for the tooth fairy, I caught my mother putting the money under my pillow.

I never believed in the Easter bunny.


Well-known member
I found out the tooth fairy wasn't real when I found one of my teeth in the trash can. I was so hurt that my parents would just throw it away.
Deep inside, I always knew Santa wasn't real, but I tried to believe. And the Easter Bunny, does anyone ever believe in him?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by faifai
I was 6 for Santa - I asked for a Barbie doll. When Christmas rolled around my parents were like "there's no Christmas for us, we're Muslim!" For some reason this made me think Santa wasn't real at all, because if he were he would've brought me a present, Muslim or no.


Ahhhh, that's a cute story. You must have be a bit peeved at Santa!


Well-known member
Ohh Santa-- I was in third grade. I was snooping around and found stuff of course. And that stuff ended up under the tree. Also, a stupid boy named Justin confirmed it as well that year. Man o man!


Well-known member
Heh... Every time I see this thread title... I think it's about finding out your pregnant lol...


Well-known member
for santa clause & the easter bunny i was about 5 or 6. for the tooth fairy i was about the same age and i recognized the handwriting on the notes (which was my mom's) so then that's when i stopped believing.


Well-known member
I wasn't taught anything over this "Easter Bunny" fellow- so I never believed.

In Santa... probably around the age of 5. I recognized my Mom's handwriting and her name is Sandy... so I started calling her Sandy Claws every year.

With the tooth fairy... I think my cynical grandmother told me when I was around 6 or 7. She told me to bring her my tooth instead of my Mom because her "payout was higher". She is such a gambling old lady <3
I was like "what? Take the tooth to my Mom??" Alas, it was too late...... I figured it out, and it was true- my grandmother did payout higher.


Active member
i was about 10 or so and i found some of my presents wrapped and in the laundry room dryer! i was just trying to be helpful that day and show mom that i can help wash my own clothes.