When enough is enough MAC


New member
So I heard that MAC employees are also on this site but I'm not 2 sure so correct if I'm wrong but I have a question or advice that is needed? As a freelancer....if your not getting called should you just quit?


Well-known member
With the economic crisis, MAC is super strict with freelance hours.

I don't think you should quit as you never know when a permanent position might be available. However, I do think you should find another job to preoccupy you in the meantime.
Don't wait around for MAC as you never know when this freelance freeze will lift. However, don't give up either. On foot in the door is always better than none.


Well-known member
I agree with Greek Chick. You shouldn't just quit. When perm positions open up they usually look within the freelance team to hire first. The economy is bad right now, and every business has been affected, MAC is no exception. We haven't had a lot of hours for freelance, but being a former freelancer myself, I can tell you to keep trying.

In the mean time look to do freelance in other projects that pay, or a second job.



I would never just quit. I would just hang in there and wait it out. It may be tougher to get back in at all at a later date.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mexirican
So I heard that MAC employees are also on this site but I'm not 2 sure so correct if I'm wrong but I have a question or advice that is needed? As a freelancer....if your not getting called should you just quit?

Maybe drop by or give them a call to tell them that you are still available. That might get them to think of you first when they need someone.


New member
Thanks everyone for the advice...just been frustrating not doing what I love doing most. But I trust I do call them and e-mail. I'm very persistant (that's how I got the job) But I appreciate ur responses!


Well-known member
I totally understand how you feel. I havent gotten much hrs either and it gets pretty frustrating because you feel that they forgot about you. In reality its that the economy is really bad and they cant afford to have a whole bunch of freelancers working. But i believe it should start picking up soon, I got called in for some hrs this week.
I dont think you should quit, but if you really need a job you should get a second job meanwhile. At least until it starts picking up or they hire you as perm.