I have kinda always been "into" makeup but not seriously, hobby-type, into until a few years ago...
waaay back whenever I remember getting an eye infection and not having to go to school (like grade 1 or something) because I had been playing with some toy makeup, and then in like grade 8 I remember scoffing at some younger girls trying to be cool and wear makeup when they obviously sucked at it (like blue smudged on eyeshadow and hot pink streaks of blush and then like horribly applied lipstick), and I dabbled with it in high school...
However, when I started being more serious into it was the summer after 2nd year. I worked outside all day and would get sweaty and gross and then come home, shower, and want to be girly and feminine so I would wear sundresses and play around with makeup....and I would go online and lurk in livejournal communities and gawk at how amazing some ppl were...
and then I found specktra
and I definitely have the largest makeup collection of all my friends...like ever...haha...