When I read make-up ratings....


Well-known member
OKay I need to vent/see what the rest of you think.

I get ticked when I read makeup reviews, for example MUA.com, and I see reviews where the reviewer will say that the product was great and they liked it but it wasn't their color. Then, they give a very low rating. I think this is sort of wrong because if the color isn't for you then it just isn't for you. Why the low rating? The product itself was great, shouldn't that be what you really rate it on. I have bought only God knows how many eyeshadows that look like shit on me but I never have thought to give a low rating for that reason alone. I made a bad color choice and this color just doesn't suit my skin tones-so my fault. It may look great on someone else. Isn't it almost impossible to make one universal color that is going to suit everyskin color in the world?

Now if the reviewer states that there wasn't enough pigment or color depth for their liking in their actual written review, that doesn't bother me just when you knock points off.

So I am overthinking this?


Well-known member
haha aww hun I don't think you are. I stopped reading make-up reviews because it seems like people who don't like a certain product or color are kinda snippy about it. If you don't like it then you don't like it, you don't have to bash it and the company who makes it. It's this lil annoyance of mine haha.


Well-known member
This is why I dont read reviews like these
I prefer looking at pictures where the girls used the products, like an eyeshaddow. If I like it on her, and she has the ''same type'' of skin than me, I believe I can give it a try.


Well-known member
LOL, totally hear what you're saying, but on the other hand....

If something looks like poo on you, I don't think you can in good conscious give a product a very high rating, as you look in the mirror and all you see is something that looks like poo.

Example: Chrome Yellow eyeshadow made me look like a corpse. I bought it unseen online, then swapped it for gorgeous gold instead, which worked MUCH better as a yellow eyeshadow on me.

My review on MUA gives it 3/5, compliments the ease of application, vibrancy and prettiness in pot of the eyeshadow, but states that anyone as pale and sallow as me (NW15-20) might be best advised to try before you buy.

So basically it was totally MY fault that the colour didn't work on me(if I'd went to a counter I'm sure the MA would have advised against it), but it really did make me look sick and disgusting, so I felt a mark of 3 out of 5 was fair. I couldn't give it 4/5 or 5/5 no matter how good the quality of the product was, when it made me look like a -3000/5 , lol !!!!!

Things I will mark low are things that are just BAD QUALITY, bad value for money or that cause allergic reactions on me. The only MAC eyeshadow I've ever given a bad mark to on MUA was Melton Mauve, a colour I loved, but the consistency from hell, terrible to get on, made me go grrrrrr in frustration, hence thumbs down.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
That's why I prefer to read reviews or if they do rating reviews, I like to see things broken down than just a bulk review.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Showgirl
LOL, totally hear what you're saying, but on the other hand....

If something looks like poo on you, I don't think you can in good conscious give a product a very high rating, as you look in the mirror and all you see is something that looks like poo.

I agree. poo is poo.

I don't mind if people give it a low rating but for me the comments matter most. If they can remain objective and just stick to the fact then I don't mind, it's when they start bashing the product just because it didn't suit them then it becomes too biased. You know when all thats said is it "sucks" and "it's crap" or "ewww" just based on the fact that it didn't fit their colouring then that's a real turn off.
Vital spark l/g looked terrible on me, I said that it made me look yellow and it will suit other complexions better and I was disappointed it didn't work for me. I left emotions out and didn't say I hated it, it sucks, it's garbage or anything like that. Sure, sometimes you will get poor quality productbut I prefer to read reviews that can articulate in a constructive objective manner.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Showgirl
LOL, totally hear what you're saying, but on the other hand....

If something looks like poo on you, I don't think you can in good conscious give a product a very high rating, as you look in the mirror and all you see is something that looks like poo.

Example: Chrome Yellow eyeshadow made me look like a corpse. I bought it unseen online, then swapped it for gorgeous gold instead, which worked MUCH better as a yellow eyeshadow on me.

My review on MUA gives it 3/5, compliments the ease of application, vibrancy and prettiness in pot of the eyeshadow, but states that anyone as pale and sallow as me (NW15-20) might be best advised to try before you buy.

So basically it was totally MY fault that the colour didn't work on me(if I'd went to a counter I'm sure the MA would have advised against it), but it really did make me look sick and disgusting, so I felt a mark of 3 out of 5 was fair. I couldn't give it 4/5 or 5/5 no matter how good the quality of the product was, when it made me look like a -3000/5 , lol !!!!!

Things I will mark low are things that are just BAD QUALITY, bad value for money or that cause allergic reactions on me. The only MAC eyeshadow I've ever given a bad mark to on MUA was Melton Mauve, a colour I loved, but the consistency from hell, terrible to get on, made me go grrrrrr in frustration, hence thumbs down.

Completely unrelated, but I'm an NW15(ish) & Chrome Yellow actually works really well on the inner corner with a lot of my combos-particularly with green shades.

**But that could be because I have a ring of yellow right around my pupil.... :-/