When your BF tells you to "shut up"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
your obviously care for him, but i dont think he knows how to care for you. dont waste your time on someone thats too selfish to care for you,

That element bothered me, too.
You seem to be giving a lot more than you're getting in the relationship, and it should be equal.
For one thing, I noticed that you mentioned being "excited" at the prospect of seeing your boyfriend, while he says that he "might" come over, as if it doesn't mean all that much to him. Where's the excitement on his side?
Of course, only you know what's right for you, and only you know if what you are getting out of this relationship is worth it or not.
I wish you the very best; please keep us posted.


Well-known member
it worries me that he is this emotionally abusive, who knows, he might become physically abusive in the future? dump his sorry ass before you get the chance to found out

you sound like a good girlfriend, so any other bloke would be lucky to have you

plenty more fish in the sea


Well-known member
Originally Posted by banana1234
it worries me that he is this emotionally abusive, who knows he might become physically abusive in the future.

That's a good point.
At the very least, this guy is demonstrating a disturbing lack of consideration for your feelings.
If this were just an isolated incident, and he has always treated you like you were queen otherwise, you could probably chalk it up to him being tired, having a bad day, etc.
If speaking to you like that and being inconsiderate of your time are typical for him, that looks like a major warning sign, to me.
At the very least, it's time for an evaluation.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by QueenBam
All i have to say is.... i slapped my boyfriend off a chair one time (no lie) for telling me to shut the fuck up, and left him there to find his own ride back home. Never spoke to him after that.

yes! sometimes you have to be a high ridin' bish! You should not put up with being told to shut up. the fact that you are analyzing what you did wrong in the situation is really messed up, because I think anyone else who replied to this thread can see he is the one in the wrong. obviously, he is not as into you as you are into him--turn the tables and make him be the one to wait and see when YOU MIGHT HAVE TIME FOR HIM. Or find someone else who will treat you like the princess/queen/beautiful girl you deserve to be treated like!

Dump this zero and get a hero. I don't care if he is gorgeous, rich, well hung, whatever--you can do better! You just have to believe that you deserve it.


Well-known member
When I first read the title of this thread, I thought, "OH HELL NO."

Your boyfriend almost has somewhat of a bullying attitude towards you and this sort of disrespect should never be tolerated, man or woman. You sound like a fairly kind girl that cares for her boyfriend a lot. You may not feel this way because of how low he's put you, but you really can do a lot better. It helps to hang out with friends that treat you well. Sometimes having a boyfriend won't justify all the crap you have to go through if he can be this insensitive.

We've all been in places where we felt we do everything for someone and they just bite us in the backside. It's always hard to get over the first few times, but you can't let people like that control your emotions. Sometimes we think we can talk them out of it or maybe they'll come to their senses, but it hardly ever works that way. You can't control them, but you CAN decide for yourself you're not going to put up with it.



Well-known member
from my own experience, it sounds like he wants to be with you only on his terms. He sounds like a very selfish, disrespectful person and it is probably in you rbest interest to ditch this jerk and find a nice guy that would never talk to you that way. Nice guys are out there.
You do not deserve to ever be spoken to with disrespect for any reason. Don't accept that kind of treatment. Hugs!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kabuki_KILLER
It helps to hang out with friends that treat you well.

This is great advice, in my opinion.
Spending your valuable time with supportive, considerate people can help impress upon you that this is the way true friends treat each other.
As Kabuki pointed out, you can't control or change other people, but you can control the choices you make for you.
Life is just too short to spend with people who bring you down.