when your kids are sleeping or at school you.....?


Well-known member
I have a newborn
... so I'm sleeping too or cleaning bottles and trying to not go crazy....I wish I could practice MU... but I'm trying to stay away from MU cause I'm in his face too much...

So what about you..... share!!

Another Janice!

Well-known member
Take care of you and your baby. Everything else will fall into place. He will get a sleeping pattern down eventually and then you can rediscover yourself again.

When mine were really small, they were always connected to my boob.

I watched a lot of CourtTV and Nick at Nite.


Well-known member
My kids are considerably older (the youngest is 11) so when he's at school...I am at school as well! I am either in class at the university or volunteering at his school.


Well-known member
My mom got her masters and worked full time during and after having my little sister. It was hard, my grandparents helped alot because my dad wasn't around. If you're lucky enough not to have to work, find a hobby, journal about the little things about your baby, take wayyy too many pictures, scrapbook, take him for walks, etc. Make every moment count because they grow up *like that*.