"Where are my jeans?!?!".....


Well-known member
NEW YORK -- Naomi Campbell says she very much regrets losing her temper and hitting her maid with a cell phone over a pair of missing jeans last year. "I felt very remorseful for having thrown the phone at someone that didn't deserve it"..........

But, you know, I guess it is OK if they deserrrrve it.
What a looney bird. How can people be so petty, spoiled and stupid? Good Lord!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
While violence is never really acceptable, sometimes it's more acceptable, if that makes any sense.

However, missing jeans is never acceptable for violence.


Well-known member
Heh. Who "deserves" to have a phone actually thrown at them? Actually didn't Russel Crowe also throw a phone at someone? Some people just have nasty tempers and are not very good with anger management skills. You would think with all of the money they had to throw around that they could afford some therapy or at least some sedatives.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
A lot of times, famous people are enabled, because no one calls them on their shit. If you do, they'll probably fire you.


Well-known member
I'd believe that she "very much regrets" it if it wasn't somewhere around the 12th time she's assaulted someone in her employ.


Well-known member
This reminds me of in clueless when Cher is looking for her outfit to go take her driving test and she is whining to the maid and the maid ends up saying "I not a Mexican!"


Well-known member
Haha, I <3 clueless so Bernadette got a point. Yeah a "thanks" is a point.... the best brownie point in the Specktra world.

On topic, what a crazy biiiaaaa. Anger drives me nuts- freaking learn to control it, do something, you are not fun to be with.