Where is the MAC 190 made?


New member
I was wondering where the MAC 190 brush is made? I just got a new one from someone and it says Japan on the front engraved. My real one has USA engraved on the back and my other real one has nothing engraved on it all.

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
The only ones I have ever had are either marked USA or no country marking. The most recent purchase does not have any country marking on it. Mine were all bought directly from the MAC store. I have never seen any that are marked Japan.


Well-known member
I recently bought one online and mine doesnt have the country engraved on the back or front side of the brush. I have no doubt on its authenticity though


Well-known member
I have three 190''s.. and none of them say place of manufacturing origin -- they are all from MAC stores tho.