Where to get new milani eyeshadows?


Well-known member
I've seen their new colors on their website but i don't know where to get them. The stores that carry milani here only have their older stufff. Has anyone seen the e/s colors...esp. fiji flower, exotic berry, limbo lime and sea angel?


Well-known member
I wish I knew! I think I saw someone in the haul section say they got some of the new ones, but it may have been on another site.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pumpkincat210
I've seen their new colors on their website but i don't know where to get them. The stores that carry milani here only have their older stufff. Has anyone seen the e/s colors...esp. fiji flower, exotic berry, limbo lime and sea angel?

walgreens.com has all of those colors...

oops that was already posted heh heh
ULTA stores sell Milani. You should try there if they are in your area, or check ulta.com.


New member
My walgreens had only a small selection and most of them had been dropped or something and were broken up pretty badly.
I buy some of my Milani from BestBeautyOnline -- they carry some discontinued colors and some hard to find Milani stuff, as well as Jordana cosmetics.


Well-known member
Walgreens has them I currently have almost all the eyeshadows just missing a few colors.We have a Walgreens very close so I've volenteered to CP these to some girls.I like Milani Shadows they are rich in color and look great on the eyes.Comparable to MAC.
Milani also makes great lipstick and blush,the blush blends right in with any foundation and the lipstick has a long lasting period.
Milani is a great line!
Walgreens carries Milani.The Walgreens we are near sales out quick though so I go when they re stalk I was able to finally get a lipstick I wanted before it ran out that same day =)


Well-known member
just to let you all know, not all Walgreens carries Milani. so far, i only have found 3 locations in my area that sells Milani and about 6 that doesn't carry it and i still have over 10 locations to check out.


Well-known member
ive found Milani shadows at Duane Reade as well..they sell for 2.99 while walgreens sells em for 3.29..wish i found that out before racking up at walgreens one day lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsButterfli
ive found Milani shadows at Duane Reade as well..they sell for 2.99 while walgreens sells em for 3.29..wish i found that out before racking up at walgreens one day lol

all the Walgreens i checked in my area sells it for $3.49

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