WHEW! I might have an interview!


Well-known member
I turned in my application and portfolio Friday to one of the head MA's bc the MAC Store manager and asst. manager were off, and I called today to make sure she got it.

She not only remembered my portfolio and had looked at it, but she said that she would be calling me for an interview next week, this week she was trying to get some things wrapped up at the store! YIPEE!

And I know for a fact that three MAs had turned in their 2 weeks notice, so there are at least a few job openings.


Well-known member
I did makeup on five women of varying ages and races. I also included a letter at the beginning to the MAC Manager explaining who I am and how long have I been a freelance makeup artist outside of the retail industry. Explained how much I love MAC and love their products etc.

All together I think it was about 10 pages.


Well-known member
Good luck! I would love to work at MAC (darn college is getting in the way, being a freshman I can't have a car so any job, lest it be on campus is out of the question).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Piaqua
Good luck! I would love to work at MAC (darn college is getting in the way, being a freshman I can't have a car so any job, lest it be on campus is out of the question).

Aww that sucks!!

This is my second to last semester in College, so my schedule is SUPER wide open. I only have 2 night classes during the week and one class Sunday morning.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACGoddess
Aww that sucks!!

This is my second to last semester in College, so my schedule is SUPER wide open. I only have 2 night classes during the week and one class Sunday morning.

Wow, you're super lucky! My second to last semester was 22 credits...it was absolute hell.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisStarrlight
Wow, you're super lucky! My second to last semester was 22 credits...it was absolute hell.

HOLY SHIT! That is insane! How the hell did you survive that? Snaps to you hun...wtg!

Next semester (my graduating semester) I only have 2 classes. I did that on purpose so that I would have time to work while going to school. That is how I am planning to get my Master's degree as well.


Well-known member
Good luck! What location will that be at? Make sure that you dress in trendy black and have on HOT makeup for the interview! Also, remember to mention what you know about the Viva Glam products, MAC Aids Fund, Back to MAC, Kids Helping Kids cards, their motto, "All Ages, All Sexes, All Races", how important outstanding customer service is to MAC, yadda, yadda, yadda! You'll do great!


Well-known member
It is for the MAC at the International Mall in Tampa Shab... And talking has never been a problem for me! hee hee, thanks hun!


Well-known member
UPDATE: My interview AND makeup demo are Monday at 1 p.m.! YAY! I am sooo nervous though! And I have NO idea what to do with my makeup!!


Well-known member
WOOO! I am wishing you well from here girl, I know you're gonna ace it.

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