Which concealer do you use?


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Originally Posted by couturesista
Studio Sculpt it's from the Well Defined Collection that just debut a few weeks ago.

Oh yeah ..I forgot about that. I'm gonna check that out aswell as the BB one.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by l1onqueen
I just got the MUFE camoflauge palette but I'm not quite sure how to use it.

I tested this out b/c of the rave reviews on it but was disappointed with it on me. Its too cakey and heavy for my liking.
It does give you FULL COVERAGE though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
I tested this out b/c of the rave reviews on it but was disappointed with it on me. Its too cakey and heavy for my liking.
It does give you FULL COVERAGE though.

Oh no! I heard the red was good for WOC as undereye concealer-I think? I need to go back on Youtube and watch that video again. MUFE is striking out with me, I have just recently returned the HD primer and powder I wasn't impressed!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by l1onqueen
Oh no! I heard the red was good for WOC as undereye concealer-I think? I need to go back on Youtube and watch that video again. MUFE is striking out with me, I have just recently returned the HD primer and powder I wasn't impressed!

It does but I didn't like how it creased into the fine lines. YUCK! But do try it out for yourself. MUFE struck me out too in everything except the shadows. I don't own any yet but I do want to get my hands on the 92 purple one.


Well-known member
i use this concealer stick i found at walmart by Black Radiance in Cafe Latte. it was like 2 bucks and it works amazingly well.


New member
Defintely check out bobbi browns Concealer Kit, way better than Benefit's new Erase Paste. actually comes with the setting powder as well!
I use honey and I'm NC 42 in Mineralize Satinfinish


Well-known member
Milani Secret Cover Concealer Cream in Honey. I can dab it on, powder my face and still get away w/o using foundation so you know I loves that.


Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX

For the undereye area colors that are alot lighter than my skintone can create this ashiness and make the area look drier while also giving off this weird greyish tone.

This is my biggest problem, im a NC45 (ish)
My first time buying a concealer, the MAC MA didn't suggest buying something *lighter* to hide undereye circles.

I ventured out and bought tons of other products to hide the circles, and they all resulted in ashy looking skin under my eyes, even through my foundation most times..

I had to give up studio tech.. my skin hated it..

I heard that WoC should use rose colored concealers.. is that true? what about green or the standard yellow.. (though i've had bad experiences with that..)

Edit: I JUST bought Sonia Kashuk's Hidden agenda concealer pallet.. So.. maybe something in there i can make work..or mix with my NC45 concealer..we'll see.


BOBBI BROWN'S face stick its wonderful and very convenient

i also use her creamy concealor for certain areas that can crease like under my eyes. it comes with a setting powder and stays all day


Well-known member
I did a lot of searching and experimenting for a good concealer! Mac Studio Finish in a pot creased up on me, MUFe concealer creased up and very pricey, and I then tried Mac's Select Coverup and it works wonders. Will never buy another different concealer ever again. This is the best! for me at least!


Well-known member
I use the Clinique Airbrush Concealer, which is light, sheer and doesn't crease but I usually need a few layers to get decent coverage.

I tried the MAC Studio Finish but it's too thick and cakey and the Select MoistureCover is no better than the Clinique concealer.


I use the Bobbi Brown one under my eyes, just the Concealer and not the corrector. I had to fight with the sales assistant because I didn't want her to give me one two shades lighter than my skin tone!


Active member
VS Very Sexy Fluid in MO5 is my rich old oxygen tank carrying husband.

Milani HD Advanced in Honey is my strapping young pool boy.

Revlon ColorStay Under Eye Concealer in Deep is my Pilates instructor who satisfies my occasional lesbian urges.


Well-known member
Bobbi Brown Creamy Concealer, but I do use Bourjois Healthy Mix concealer sometimes, just under my eyes though.


Well-known member
I love love love the MAC select moisturecover. I use my 190 brush with it and get an airbrushed finish with it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by l1onqueen
Oh no! I heard the red was good for WOC as undereye concealer-I think? I need to go back on Youtube and watch that video again. MUFE is striking out with me, I have just recently returned the HD primer and powder I wasn't impressed!

is the formula for that oily. my hair stylist suggests that i get that, but i am afraid it will just run down my face. mufe full coverage is matte to the touch. i love that.

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