Which f/l - macroviolet or iris eyes?


I'm looking at buying a purple fluidline, mainly for the purpose of acting as a base for purple e/s (most likely nocturnelle or gallant, as these are the only purples I have atm) but also to use as a liner from time to time. I can't decide which one to go for: macroviolet or iris eyes? Which do you prefer and which is more likely to go with the purple e/s shades I have?


Well-known member
I own Nocturnelle and Macroviolet, and don´t own Gallant or Iris Eyes; but I can assure you that if you´re trying to get a fluidline as a base for these shadows and an occasional liner, get Iris Eyes. Macroviolet is way darker than the e/s you mentioned, so if you wear it as a base, it will drastically change the eyeshadow color into something much closer to blackish plum.


Well-known member
I agree with GothicGirl,.. Macroviolet is really kinda dark to use as a base. Iris eyes would be better,.. or if you look on the Swap/Sale forum here,.. Haunting fluidline is like a perfect base for purple shadows.


Thanks for that
. yes I thought the macroviolet looked very dark. I might still buy it soon for a liner, but for now I'll go with iris eyes.


Well-known member
You should also look into Nonconformist. It's a less bright version of Iris Eyes.