Which House would the Sorting Hat put you in?


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Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff


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I actually had this conversation with my friends a few weeks ago and everyone decided that instead of a house I'd be in the French school(where Fleur went). I guess I'm too cool for Hogwarts.


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Originally Posted by Shimmer
LOL I'm reading all of them right now, in order. I just finished the Sorcerer's Stone and I'm simultaneously listening to Chamber of Secrets and reading it.

Me too! I've read them all a few times now, so I am listening to them on my ipod, love Jim Dale!

Hmm thinking of my 11 year old self I would say maybe Ravenclaw (I was very into school and creative things like drama), but probably Gryffindor. I have always had a tendancy to stand up to bullies and protect other kids who are being picked on. I couldn't hack it in Slytherin, too laid back to survive amongst the Machiavellis of the world.

When I think of Hufflepuff I think that is the house my Mom would be put into she is all about loyalty and fairplay and she is SO hardworking.


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Originally Posted by SkylarV217
HEHE, I could sooo see you in that house lol... but you wouldn't be one of those nasty ones ...=/

I would love to say Gryffindor but to be honest with myself it would be Ravenclaw
not terrible but not with Potter lol =)

I'm soo ready for Half Blood Prince =)

eh. After considering it, I'm just not nasty enough for Slytherin...


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I don't think you have to be nasty to be a Slytherin. There were some good ones too, most notably Horace Slughorn, Phineas Nigellus Black, Andromeda Tonks, and Regulus Black.


Well-known member
Very true.
Though I hardly consider Phineas 'good'. He was prejudiced.
Slughorn's personality for Slytherin really shows in the self preservation vs the fight for good, and his own internal struggle with that. Definitely a Slytherin character trait.


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I went with my strongest elements - I'm fire and earth and those traits suit me well, so Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tied with me. Oddly enough, I dig Ravenclaw.


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I'm definitely a Hufflepuff. As a child, I was always the one saying "hey, that's not fair!"

Plus, I'm a libra.

So excited for the new flick!!!


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well, I said Gryffindor, because I always take risks, but if I stayed at that school I would develop the strangest crush on Snape...


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I'd hope for Slytherin (because as some one said earlier, it's so badass) but I'd probably end up with Hufflepuff. Though I don't quite fit in with any of them...