Which MAC brush to get? 217 or 272?


Hello everyone,

I am considering buying a brush for 2 purposes: applying eyeshadow to the outer v and blending the edges. Both brushes are similar to me and they both receive excellent reviews on MUA. I'd like to hear some of you experts' opinions. Which one of these brushes works better?

Thanks in advance!


Well-known member
I'd say the 272 because it has an angled tip and I find them better for the outer v .


Well-known member
The domed shape of the 217 works much better for me for applying color to the outer V and blending, but I suppose it could depend on eye shape.
Mine are small and almond shaped.
I like the 272, but I love my 217.


Thank you very much for your quick replies, Jaclyn & Erica. I forgot to mention that I have Asian eyes--double eyelids with no visible crease. Anymore recs please?
Thank you.


Well-known member
Ever since I got my 217 I honestly don't know how I managed without it (and I already had loads of brushes). It's simply brilliant.

I vote 217 (if you hadn't already guessed).