[COLOR=FF00AA][/COLOR] Using this existing thread because I have the same question! Looking to add to my duo collection, and I presently have: AAE, Dogon, hula hula, Kalahari, Kilimanjaro. I am a touch on the warmer side of neutral-toned, but blonde hair (naturally very golden blonde) and blue eyes. I can wear warm and cool tones but look best in warmer shades-- I find I need to warm up crease if wearing cool tones, typically. (Hope this description is helpful, lol) 1. I was hoping to get some input on whether Surabaya duo was good for my coloring, and whether anyone cold tell me if Mac Antiqued/Swiss Chocolate were similar in tone (I noticed in swatches it appears this could be the case even though the duo is shimmery)? I love both mac shades-- Surabaya complimentary or too similar? 2. Also, Isolde and Tzarine have me lusting to buy for my coloring but unsure. I have a ton of brown and warmish bronzes but nothing blows me away in my stash; I have several grays but none are true silver/gray/charcoal undertone-- they always look blueish to me and I dislike that. Hoping Tzarine stays true to pan? Any help? Thanks so much for your input! 3. Any wildcard duos you'd recommend to me?