Which THREE MAC brushes do you use most?

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
224 - for applying mixing medium over my UDPP (my make up is steadfast with this combo)

252 - for packing on that color

217 - for coverage and blending. I have two, and I use one for high light only

And, I know we're only supposed to pick 3 but:

266 - for shaping, shading, and filling my brows


New member
I used to use the 228 for everything... but I have small eyes. Now I use the 217 for my crease and the 182 for foundation.


Well-known member
This is the third time I answer to this Q but I can't help the fact that when my MAC brush collection continues to expand I find new lovers

My current ones are: 187 (perfect to liquid foundation), 182 (pure love wiht powde and MSF's), 217 (does blending so freaking easy!).