which would you be? A mean rich person or a nice poor person?


Well-known member
I rather be a poor nice person. Rich people just seem unapproachable. And I wouldn't want to wonder if people like me for me or my moola.


Well-known member
poor nice person. at least the people you deal with everyday are honest to themselves and their situation.

i mean, imagine the stress of having to sue the brother you used to play house with because he laundered some of the family business money away?


Well-known member
Definately poor and nice
And even if I were rich I wouldn't be mean. I woulnd't want to end up like Ebenezer Scrooge and have a trio of freaky ghost scare some sense into me.. eek!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
How poor are we talking? I'd rather be a poor nice person. You are more likely to get yourself out of being poor than experiencing a personality change.

Probably being a mean person means you'll be surrounded by jerks. It's all about the company for me, and money can't buy good company.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CaraAmericana
I rather be a poor nice person. Rich people just seem unapproachable. And I wouldn't want to wonder if people like me for me or my moola.

Thats why you hang out with other rich people. =p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AfricanaEyes
Not to mention if you're poor and nice....someone is bound to give you a job because of your good character? Riiiiight?

No, not really. Not a good job anyways. Since if your poor, chances are you haven't had any sort of practical job expierence. Since if you did, you wouldn't be poor. Not to mention the lack of education due to the financial burden of college, makeing getting a good job harder. There are plenty of "no expierence" necessary jobs, but typicaly, those don't pay much more than minimum wage.

It's not very shocking, that it takes money, to make money. Wheras if you don't have any, it's much harder to make it.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
No, not really. Not a good job anyways. Since if your poor, chances are you haven't had any sort of practical job expierence. Since if you did, you wouldn't be poor. Not to mention the lack of education due to the financial burden of college, makeing getting a good job harder. There are plenty of "no expierence" necessary jobs, but typicaly, those don't pay much more than minimum wage.

It's not very shocking, that it takes money, to make money. Wheras if you don't have any, it's much harder to make it.

I don't agree, you can have a college eductaion and still be poor (or middle class). Teachers have degrees but many earn very little. How about those who have degrees or many years of work experience but choose noble professions like working for non-profit organizations, the Peace Corps, as social workers, the disabled, etc....


Well-known member
I hope you don't mean poor as in have to sleep on the street poor
but I rather be a nice poor person. I know a few as*hole rich people and believe me they are not the happiest people I know. In fact the happiest people I know live modestly
I'd take a good heart over no heart anyday.