While I was away...


Well-known member
I saw that a few days or so ago (not the video, just the emails).

I'd say he dodged a bullet there.

Why can't people just listen, or ask other people first, before flipping out? so annoying. She got what she deserved.


Well-known member
Wow, that chick sounds bipolar. Who doesn't realize that their SO is going to another continent for two weeks?!?! He really dodged a bullet there......


Well-known member
wowww. haha. thats CRAZY! And how the heck did she not hear him say he was going to europe?!!!! especially since he called her to say goodbye! wowwwwww. I don't even know what to say! haha.


Well-known member
Serves her right for not listening to him when he talks. How selfish of her! She got so paranoid

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
wow, this is the craziest thing ever. My guess is she actually heard him but wanted to be a drama queen :/


Well-known member
Clear cut case of "the world revolves around me". She only hears things if it's about her. Good going guy, better now than after the wedding.

Girl about town

Well-known member
haha what a crazy bitch....phew lucky escape for that guy. What planet was she on that she never remembered he was going on holiday, i would be miserable and counting down the days if my man was off around the world!!!


Well-known member
Woooow. That was definitely worth watching for 8 minutes.
That poor guy... Em was crazy, no doubt about it. Dodging a bullet is such an understatement in this situation!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iadoremac
but why didnt he call her when he was away???

I'm assuming because it cost too much maybe, not just from his mobile but even from a landline. Plus, he's only there for two weeks and if I was him and I had told her I was going, I would have expected her to at least listen.

That video slays me, I love how her English goez lyk diz wen she finks hes cheatin on hurr.

As the rest have said, he's had a lucky escape. One thing that also got me was when she said "I fucked him, you're just at home sat thinking about me". Now if he actually was screening her calls and wanted to break up with her, why would he be the one sat at home thinking about her?


Well-known member
Jeez, some girls are effing crazy..

if you go to the actual youtube page, the description of the video says "inspired by truth, written for fun" so could this mean those aren't the actual emails/this isn't what REALLY happened?

I wanna believe it happened so bad though, hahaha ahh


Well-known member
I find it hard to believe...the normal reaction would be to talk to his friends or family members, it's like the only way to get to him is through emails or text messages? That's weird.