HELENA-WEST HELENA, Ark. (AP) - The family of an 18-year-old man accused of plotting a national killing spree that would end with the assassination of Barack Obama says he didn't like black people, but the plot wasn't serious. Kayla Schlesselman (SLESH'-sil-man) said Tuesday at the family's Arkansas home that she talked to her brother Paul and that "he's sorry about everything he's done." He's accused of hatching the plot with another teen in Tennessee. She says her brother didn't like their tiny community of Helena-West Helna because it was prominently black. She also says he believed he was the master race, and would say things like "white power" and "Heil Hitler." But the teen's father, Mike, says he doesn't believe his son would have carried out the plot and that it was "just a lot of talk." |
I don't care if someone is racist, whether they don't like whites, blacks, asians, eggplants, jews, grover, islam, whatever. |
Originally Posted by missworld
![]() You are the big expert of neo-Nazism then??? KKK peaceful? Like fuck are they!!! Just when I thought your views could not get any more repugnant. missworld |
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
![]() I think you need a reading comprehension class. And maybe to stop assigning statements to people that they aren't making. |
And maybe to stop assigning statements to people that they aren't making. |
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
![]() I think you need a reading comprehension class. And maybe to stop assigning statements to people that they aren't making. |
Yes, I do know how low it is to correct someone's writing. Many "low" words have been written in these threads, unfortunately. I cannot believe a person has casually mentioned the Klan, and you support this person. I do not understand. I guess I simply do not understand the world ? I am sick and tired of the fighting & negativity, although I have contributed. (I am a highly imperfect Human Being.) I am sick and tired of people ...hmmm..."being all nice" to those people on here who choose to abuse their positions of "power" with scathingly rude, inhumane comments and insinuations. CF |