Who doesn't like to wear 1980's garb?


Well-known member
Lol... LOVE IT! You look adorable
We cant wait to see wedding pictures!!! Enjoy the day cause in a blink of an eye... it will all be over...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
WHAAAAAATTTTT???? There has to be a damn funny story to this & I HAVE to hear it!! Love your look & glad you had so much fun you peed yo pants

So when i get crunk, I always feel the need to just take a pee wherever I am...so I was downtown Chicago on Rush I think and was going to pee in some alley. well I don't know how dem 80s chicks did it back then, but the leggins took away from my holding it in time and therefore I wee weed on myself. Unfortunately, my friend posted the pics on facebook lol.


Well-known member
I heart the theme!!! I sooo wanna do that for my bach party if I ever get married lol

I can't wait to see your wedding pix! So exciting!!!


Well-known member
Love the old school throw back. Giiiiiirrrrlllll say it ain't so Hillz...that story is REALLY letting the cat out of the bag!
The visual is killing me!