Who else hennas their hair? (pics?)


Well-known member
Wow I am going to think about using this method. Is it true you have to let it grow out? I thought it faded out.


Well-known member
Ugh, I just did a strand test on some hair I discreetly cut, and I see NO difference... after letting the henna set all night! I'm gonna try sample one with more red, because I'll be hella pissed if I order half a kilo and it doesn't color my hair, man.


Well-known member
I'm going between this thread and a thread on LHCF about henna and I am SOLD! I've decided since my color disaster (read: my highlights broke...HELP! thread) I won't use chemical color and was pretty bummed about it. But this is making me feel tons better....

FYI, on the Henna for Hair site there is a free e-book for us newbies to learn by. HTH


Well-known member

I learned all about it from hennaforhair.com. A really informative website! READ IT!

Here are some pictures:





As you can see, the color IMMEDIATELY after a henna is dramatic, but after a few days it oxidizes into a much richer, darker color. Sunlight also has a huge impact on how it looks -- obviously much redder in direct sunlight, and darker in a dorm room at nighttime. :p I love it. It's also vastly improved the strength and resilience in my hair.

If anyone is wondering, I use 100g Jamila BAQ henna mixed with tap water, nothing else. None of those fancy mixtures for me.

WARNING: If you use anything that does NOT say "BAQ (Body Art Quality)" henna, you run the risk of putting an unknown quantity of unknown chemicals in your hair. BE WARNED that if you have a preexisting dye job, these chemicals can turn your hair GREEN or PURPLE.

And, a gratuitous work-in-process picture:


Well-known member
Mystery your hair is gorgeous!!!

I have tried using just tap water, and the color deposition is just fine with it. However, personally, I find that I can have a little difficulty washing all the little bits out if I don't use plain yogurt, and a little dash of lemon juice to keep it all mixed together. There was one time I couldn't get it all out in one wash, and I went to a friend's house. When I shook my head, a cascade of little "bug-looking" bits came showering down. It totally freaked her out, LOLOL! So there will be no more of that!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nox
Mystery your hair is gorgeous!!!

I have tried using just tap water, and the color deposition is just fine with it. However, personally, I find that I can have a little difficulty washing all the little bits out if I don't use plain yogurt, and a little dash of lemon juice to keep it all mixed together. There was one time I couldn't get it all out in one wash, and I went to a friend's house. When I shook my head, a cascade of little "bug-looking" bits came showering down. It totally freaked her out, LOLOL! So there will be no more of that!

Thanks. :)

Actually, I did add something other than water -- honey. It helped with the rinsing process tremendously. You don't want more than 1tbsp per 100g henna, though, otherwise it'll be dripping down your neck while you're waiting for the color to absorb.


Well-known member
I'm currently sat with a heap of LUSH Caca Brun on my head. I haven't used Henna for years but I want to grow my hair long and I need it to be healthy as my hair grows painfully slow and I can't afford my hair to suffer any damage from chemical dyes.

Hopefully it looks ok, I won't be rinsing for another 6 hours! I am rather anxious!


Well-known member
I've been hearing a lot about henna-ing hair lately, and I want to try it, because I dislike using box dyes.

I have naturally darkish brown hair. If I wanted a lighter reddish/orange toned hair.. is that possible with henna? Or would I have to professionally lighten the hair FIRST?

Can I use henna over box dyed hair? I know you can't use box dye OVER henna, but is the other way safe? Because i've been using box dyes for quite awhile.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LadyFaenyx
Can I use henna over box dyed hair? I know you can't use box dye OVER henna, but is the other way safe? Because i've been using box dyes for quite awhile.

From what I have researched about Henna, yes you can use it over a box dye but only if the henna you use is pure. Body art quality henna is supposed to be the best.

Here's my source of info

Henna for Hair~ Warnings~


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LadyFaenyx
I have naturally darkish brown hair. If I wanted a lighter reddish/orange toned hair.. is that possible with henna? Or would I have to professionally lighten the hair FIRST?

Henna won't lighten your hair color -- it only deposits a red-orange, semi-transparent dye. So if you want a lighter, brighter red color, you would need to chemically lighten your hair first.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mysteryflavored
Henna won't lighten your hair color -- it only deposits a red-orange, semi-transparent dye. So if you want a lighter, brighter red color, you would need to chemically lighten your hair first.

Ahh, ok, makes sense!
I think i'm going to go with that mehandi site that people recommended, and i'm not going to lighten my hair at all.



Well-known member
I'm resurrecting this thread because I've recently discovered henna and I'm in luuuuv!
I thought I'd post some pics and share the henna journey for anyone else who might want to try it out.

First: the color I started with, originally Clairol's Herbal Essences "Disco Inferno" permanant haircolor. This started as a brilliant ruby red but as you see in this pic, after less than a month it had faded considerably:

Next is my hair after my first henna treatment a) the next day and b) a week later after the color had time to oxidize


and finally, my hair after a second henna treatment and oxidation:

I can't believe the amazing color payoff, and best of all.. no fading!!!
It's been interesting trying to explain henna to people who've never heard of it and ask what color dye I use.

For the curious, I purchased the "Punjabi Pride" from Mehandi:
Dye hair glorious red: no chemicals, no fading and no allergic reactions


Well-known member
thx for sharing! I've been wanting to try the Lush ones but I dont want to rub "caca" all over my head. Your results are beautiful though!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by franimal
thx for sharing! I've been wanting to try the Lush ones but I dont want to rub "caca" all over my head. Your results are beautiful though!

I did some research before trying out henna and many henna'd heads told me that the Lush hennas just don't deposit the color on hair like pure body art quality henna does. Plus the price can't be beat, I purchased 500 grams of Punjabi Prime (enough for 6-7 treatments for my short hair) for around $30.

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