Who got Super Orgasm?


Well-known member
I bought it and find if a shake out the glitter with a few taps it applies really nicely without chunks of glitter on my face.


Well-known member
I bought this and I ADORE it! ( I'm NC45 and didn't care for the original orgasm at all) It gives me a beautiful lively glow. I don't find it glittery at all actually. I never have too much glitter on my face when I apply it so I can't say that I find it to be a glitter bomb in the least. It's a product that deserves a look-see!


Well-known member
I really like it... The giant gold chunks sometimes stick and they look OKAY but if you want you can brush them right off. I'm NW20/25 and it looks like a nice healthy glow on me!


Well-known member
This was my first NARS purchase and I love it! I love this one better than Orgasm when I swatched it. Super Orgasm shows up better on me than Orgasm. It does have the chunky glitter gold flecks in it but thats why I like it. They don't flake off but you can always buff it in to the glitter shed away.
I am NC35 and it shows up more coral than pink on me.

I made a swatch somewhere of it but can't seem to find it. lol


Well-known member
Found the swatch pic!



Well-known member
I love Orgasm so when Super Orgasm came out, I bought it right away. I love the color more than Orgasm, but it is a glitterbomb. However, with some buffing and blending, it looks great and not glittery.

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