Who here works in a male-dominated field?

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Hey guys,

I saw a thread a while ago about everybody's profession or dream profession. When I posted and was reading other people's response, I noticed that I was the only one who works in a very male dominated field and am still very much girlie and into makeup etc...

I work as a mechanical engineer (one more year to get my professional license) and I'm THE ONLY female in my office. It has it's ups and downs
I have learned that if I'm "nice" people will walk all over me. If i'm not, I get called a "bitch" behind my back. I picked the "bitch" behaviour. I have come far though and have earned respect from all the men and am my boss' right hand

Please share if you can relate to this topic...


Well-known member
I used to sell medical device equipment to spine surgeons (rods, screws, etc.) and that is an extremely male dominated field. In surgery, I was harassed, treated like shit and there was a noticeable difference between the amount of effort I had to put into "proving myself" versus one of the good 'ole boys. I hated every minute of it and have never been happier to be out of it.

That being said, it did pay tremendously, so it had its perks. Even so, I'd never go back.

I hope you can find a happy medium where you are. I know that it can really suck. You're either a bitch, a doormat, a whore or stupid. Those were the 4 categories I got to choose from. I also chose to be a bitch.


Well-known member
Oh your situation is really rare i would say.. Cause no matter where i worked there are 80% or more women.. I work in the offices, expositions, forums.. Women everywhere! And the companies i worked in specialised in mortgage sales or technology.. Still women in the office! I seriously wonder where do men work, or do they just randomly come at about 40 and become a big boss?

Dont get me wrong, but i think sometimes its better to work with men. They gossip less, they dont gossip about your clothes matching, or your boyfriend. And even if they do, i think you can be called a whore or stupid by female collegues aswell. I personally think men tolerate easier sometimes, but thats just my oppinion. The only time i was in a male dominated sphere is when i was playing online games in a clan etc. 85% were guys there, and they tolerated way easier than some girls would.


Well-known member
I'm a chemical engineer and most of the people in my department are men. I've never really noticed a difference in the way I'm treated. If anything they are more straight forward and less catty than the women I work with

My boss is female and she's pretty great.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
I hope you can find a happy medium where you are. I know that it can really suck. You're either a bitch, a doormat, a whore or stupid. Those were the 4 categories I got to choose from. I also chose to be a bitch.

I think I did find my happy medium. I have great relationship with everyone in the office, I'm finally there. It is hard to gain respect as a woman in this field though. You have to try much harder than the men

Thanks everyone for sharing


Well-known member
there is hardly any women where I work...a big transportation company corporate office..... its a boys world here

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Originally Posted by msmack
LOL - I am training to be a Welder. The class is 22 men and .... one ME.

wow, I think your job is even more male dominated than mine. Right now I'm the only female in my office of 40 people. When i was studying engineering in University, we were 5 women and 50 men


Well-known member
Originally Posted by msmack
LOL - I am training to be a Welder. The class is 22 men and .... one ME.

Girl, that is awesome


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shadowy Lady
I picked the "bitch" behaviour. I have come far though and have earned respect from all the men and am my boss' right hand

Good idea..

I'm a Logistician (currently not working but looking forward to) and I used to work in a Logistics department and I was the first woman working than and the only one as well. I was 'nice' because it was the first time I work.. I didn't get so much disrespect but at least now I know what to do

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I'm in physics, so that's extremely male-dominated, just as much as engineering.

Most of the guys, except one, all respect me and we all genuinely get along. The one who doesn't- well, I don't talk to him unless I have to, and he's graduating. He talks down to me and acts like jackass towards me; I don't know why. My fiance says this guy is definitely sexist (my fiance and he used to be friends), but I don't know.

Sometimes, I feel like there is an "old boys' club" thing going on sometimes. Most of the time, though, I'm treated well. I feel like I do have to prove myself sometimes or that people are surprised when I can do things well.

For the most part, though, I find physics to be a good place for women.


Well-known member
WOW you ladies are awesome!! seriously, your smart, tough, and so totally feminine!!! a girl that can kickass and hold her own.. then go play in her makeup!! WOW

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
I don't have the qualifications to do my dream job but I'm in university right now working hard for it and there will be mostly men unless something drastic happens in the next few years.


Well-known member
I have worked with men almost exclusively for the last 10 years or so and I like it. There are little things you have to deal with and get used to, but I tend to have a bit of a "dude" personality, so it works. lol


Well-known member
i work in a male dominated field but there's a few other women that work with me. i actually prefer working with men, once you show them you can stand your ground, they generally don't try to toy with you anymore. women on the other hand, tend to continue to pick and pick and pick. at least...in my past jobs, that's how it's been.


I am right there with ya sisterrrr. I got my BS in ME a year ago and to be honest, the male factor kind of faded out in college, but I think that's mainly because I funnelled it out eventually. Where I work now, is DEFINITELY male-dominated, but not because of the engineering aspect, but because of the industry as well (mining). Anyway, at times I have felt that I have something to prove but then again I didn't... because why should I?? I am the only female engineer in my office so that kind of has its advantages but then again it has its disadvantages. I'm either a) a know it all who overcompensates or b) an exception to not knowing something because I'm a girl... So I lose either way. I like the fact of a) mainly because sometimes, when female engineers get together they combat each other to see who's the smartest, then sometimes they become a double edged sword and all the men fear them! All in all, the good always has some bad. But to be honest, personality plays a key role and I think that's definitely what has enhanced my working relationships in my workplace. Keep a friendly attitude, show that you care about learning from other people, be humble but not don't sell yourself short, and you'll be fine.


Well-known member
I work in a hospital, in the facilities dept, aka maintenance. Besides my female supervisor, we work with 9 males. This might sound crazy, but I really am interested in electrical/HVAC stuff lol. I know, strange for a girl!!
I'm just the secretary and phone troubleshooter in the dept, but a lot of times I will tinker with things that are broken because they interest me.
Also, I've spent a lot of time in the boiler room, I'm so fascinated by mechanical/machine rooms! I just think it would be a little strange for a woman to be doing that sort of thing, just by standards and how I've been brought up.
Everyone always laughs when I tell them that mechanics/machines/engineering interests me.


Active member
I work for a software development company. There are 65 men and 7 women. All the other companies I've worked for have been about 80-90% women so this job was quite a change. But a good change and think I prefer it.
While I miss the understanding and support you get from some women (especially if you're having a bad day or you're PMT-ing or something), I didn't like the bitchiness, back-stabbing or school-yard behaviour that I used to see a lot. With the boys, I feel I have to be 'stronger' and not show as much emotion as I may have done when around all women. I'm also ultra careful about what I wear. The boys don't usually 'play games' or are childish and once I showed that I was good at my job and wouldn't put up with crap, everything is usually cool.


Well-known member
i'm a store manager for a sony centre and in our company i'm the only female manager and only 2 other girls work as sales people in the copmpany. in my store i am the only woman which i like to be honest!!! i get on better with blokes as they tell me things straight as i do with them. the only thing i hate is that customers always think i'm the secretary or cleaner... let alone the manager - how could a girl possibly know about electronics?!?! One guy even told me i looked like i'd just come out of school so how could i be a manager?! the cheek of it!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chillipea
I work for a software development company. There are 65 men and 7 women. All the other companies I've worked for have been about 80-90% women so this job was quite a change. But a good change and think I prefer it.
While I miss the understanding and support you get from some women (especially if you're having a bad day or you're PMT-ing or something), I didn't like the bitchiness, back-stabbing or school-yard behaviour that I used to see a lot. With the boys, I feel I have to be 'stronger' and not show as much emotion as I may have done when around all women. I'm also ultra careful about what I wear. The boys don't usually 'play games' or are childish and once I showed that I was good at my job and wouldn't put up with crap, everything is usually cool.

I swear I could have written that post word for word!!
I work in an IT company (critical application management & hosting) and everything is exactly as you described! It's probably a little easier for me as I'm in the finance area of this company which is where most of the women are, even though most of the collegues I interact with are men.

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