Who here works in a male-dominated field?

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimjunae
I am right there with ya sisterrrr. I got my BS in ME a year ago and to be honest, the male factor kind of faded out in college, but I think that's mainly because I funnelled it out eventually. Where I work now, is DEFINITELY male-dominated, but not because of the engineering aspect, but because of the industry as well (mining).

I also think being in the minority may have to do with my industry more than my major (I'm in construction). I definitely think working with guys has its ups and downs. There's not my bitchiness going on but on the flip side, there's no one here that shares my love of makeup


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shadowy Lady
.....on the flip side, there's no one here that shares my love of makeup

I can so relate. No one understood my dire need to make lunchtime trips to the mall on "launch days". lol


Well-known member
I'm in the entertainment industry.
Marilyn Monroe said it best:
"I don't mind being in a man's world, as long as I can be a woman in it" - Marilyn Monroe

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I can so relate. No one understood my dire need to make lunchtime trips to the mall on "launch days". lol

I ALWAYS buy my MAC at lunch time


Well-known member
I'm in EMS and most of the medics are men, especially in neighboring counties. I'm also back in school for another degree - biochemistry and molecular biology, eventually headed for medical school and maybe one day a spot as an ER doc. Although many of my fellow students in bio are women, there's still this really weird perception that it's a "boy thing". When I was still doing clinicals as an EMT student I really had to jump in and insert myself into the work or I'd just get brushed off, I guess they figured I was just a "trauma bunny" and couldn't actually pull off things like lifting stretchers and doing vehicle extrication. So yeah, it's either be pushy or be useless and guess which one I chose


Well-known member
I'm an attorney and even though my graduating class was pretty much 50/50, I still think it's a male dominated world and it's definitely an "old boys' club". I'm fortunate to work in an office with one male attorney and one female attorney, so our little firm technically has one up on the guys. But, it's definitely not that way elsewhere.
I'm an environmental engineer. Before that I was working at LSU as a computer and network technician. I'm used to hanging with the boys.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shadowy Lady
I ALWAYS buy my MAC at lunch time

LOL. Me too!!

I'm an IT consultant working in a company where more than 85% of the employees are males. I was in a meeting with another 12 persons today and I was the only woman.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Originally Posted by kittykit
LOL. Me too!!

I'm an IT consultant working in a company where more than 85% of the employees are males. I was in a meeting with another 12 persons today and I was the only woman.

lol, I don't think I've ever been in any work meeting with any females besides myself....I've gotten used to it now, I guess I don't really notice anymore


Well-known member
humm I don't remember u posting this... but yeah

I'm in EMS and most of the medics are men, especially in neighboring counties. I'm also back in school for another degree - biochemistry and molecular biology, eventually headed for medical school and maybe one day a spot as an ER doc. Although many of my fellow students in bio are women, there's still this really weird perception that it's a "boy thing". When I was still doing clinicals as an EMT student I really had to jump in and insert myself into the work or I'd just get brushed off, I guess they figured I was just a "trauma bunny" and couldn't actually pull off things like lifting stretchers and doing vehicle extrication. So yeah, it's either be pushy or be useless and guess which one I chose