Who Is Your Style Icon?


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I don't think i have one.

I do love the way Dita Von Teese looks, and Immodesty Blaize, but I also like Victorian style full skirts and high necked tops.

I just wear whatever I feel like... my style icon is me!


Well-known member
I really really like the bombshell style... you know, Pamela Anderson, Bridget Marquardt (SP?) Maryiln Monroe... Brigitte Bardot...


Well-known member
This will sound strange, but P!NK. I totally immulate her... her style (as bad as it can be sometimes), her hair, her make-up. I used to sing her music with my band, and she is how I got my nickname (When she first came out, a friend of mine and I were at dinner and the waitress said I looked like her. Hence, Pinky - little Pink)

Then, I would have to say the new style pin-up girls, like Sabina. I LOVE their style, but could never pull it off with my post-pregnancy weight.

I guess right now, I follow along the lines of a soccer mom. Sweats and T's. lol


Well-known member
Angelina Jolie - Sexy, and sophistcated with an aire of mystery that I just adore.

Charlieze Theron - A classic beauty who can do no wrong.


Well-known member
Selma Blair
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Gwenneth Paltrow
Maggie Gyllenhal (or Gyllenhaal?)


Well-known member
Not exactly an Icon, per se, but whenver I see Jessica Alba she's wearing something I would so rock. She has that sophisticated and clean cut Michael Kors look...love it.


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tragic kingdom and rock steady era gwen and alexis bledel. weird mix, eh?

for makeup you girls and the girls from lj are my style icons!


for hair styles..i usually turn to jessica alba but for clothing..i like what beyonce usually wears. the casual clothing she wears in her music videos are so cute!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Indigowaters
It's a good thing I did a search before I made another thread about Style Icons. Here's mine: NIECY NASH of RENO 911 and CLEAN HOUSE!!!

That's right, you know her from RENO 911 (I love that show

Here she is with the infamous flower in her hair:





(She's on the far right):

And *gasp* without it:


I love her! lol. I saw a commercial today for a freestyle CD and it had the group Seduction on it... There is a girl in the group I could've SWORN was Niecy. Had to jump on the web and find out if I was right or not. I wasn't of course. Did you see the episode of CSI she was in? She was a porn editor! lol. She's too awesome.


Well-known member
Jerry Hall is my hands down idol. no one can top her!

Dita Von Teese - classic.

and Agyness Deyn - she's the hottest model out there right now, how can you not adore her? ^.^

oh, and if I could,
I'd kidnap Scarlett Johanssen.


Well-known member
i would have to say gwen stefani. i have always loved her style from her beginnings in no doubt up until now. i also love her music. but you could probably tell that i liked gwen just from my avatar. hehe.

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