Who really uses all their e/s and l/s?


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I have craploads but I do make up freelance so everything is worth it!


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I used to be an eyeshadow girl ... (have about 148 eyeshadows)

but recently am becoming more obessed with their blushers (currently own about about 31 of their blushers, 8 bps, 3 Iirridiscent powders and 9 msfs)

i rotate my blushers, but hardly wear eyeshadows since i wear thick rimmed specs most of the time. But i'm trying to wear my eyeshadows more often now bye wearing the lighter and sheerer colors that won't clash with the frames of my specs


Well-known member
I have about 150 MAC e/s (including pigments because that's basically what I use them for), and I'm yet to actually use up an eyeshadow! I've been using MAC for about 5 years now. Some of my more used eyeshadows do show wear though, and I think I will finish at least 2 this year.

I have about 25 l/s, and I don't know if I'll ever use one up. I have my favorites which show wear, but there's still so much left! Plus I'm really bad to not wear any lip stuff other than balm, and if I do, I never reapply.


Well-known member
I have 67 single MAC eyeshadows without pigments, Paint Pots or palettes and I use them all! And there will be 10 more with the coming collections!

I just have 5 lipsticks but 25 lipglasses. I wear lipglass every day.


Well-known member
i dont have alot. maybe 20-25 e/s and 6 l/s. i never use the lipsticks (only glosses) cuz i dont like the feel on my lips. yeah i know dumb. but im trying to 'collect' every shade of eyeshadow so i get more variety but i ALWAYS end up going back to the same colours everytime :S


Well-known member
Okay my collections are very small compared to most of yours...10 shadows, 8 pigments (I only buy full-sized), 5 lipsticks, 2 lipglass, 5 Dazzleglass, etc. Part of it is because I have a decent amount of makeup from other brands that I have not used up, I'm not one to limit myself. I would say that I am an eye girl though, for the most part I try to use each shadow that I own at least once every other week. Some get used more often (Crystal Avalanche almost daily) though.


Well-known member
i already know that i won't be getting through a lot of my eyeshadows. i have a whole bunch, and i bought them because they're pretty colors, but they're just not super practical for everyday wear to school, work, etc. they are great for night time, but it's not like i go out enough to use them all.


Well-known member
i have 12 15-palettes full, 4 quads, a couple holiday sets, and 49 piggies not to mention atleast a dozen paints, ccb's, paintsticks (pro), and sad to say, there are SEVERAL things i have never touched. and i've probably used 100 items only once for a specific occasion. *shrug*

yet i continue to buy more because i just can't get enough! i'm addicted!!!


Well-known member
I try to use all my eyeshadows, but some I need to gain confidence in order to wear. Like Accent Red pigment - so pretty, but how and when will I wear it?
I don't know how many eyeshadows I have. Quite a lot though.


Well-known member
My collection is soooo tiny because of lack of funds. Maybe one day I'll have a big collection, but for now it's teeny.

I have 14 e/s, 3 l/s, 1 lonely slimshine, 1 lonely f/l, 4 l/g, 1 bpb, 1 ipp, 1 n/l and no pigments! I've only hit tin on one of my e/s, Digit of all colors! But it's also the color I've had the longest.

I only started my true MAC obsession when Fafi came out, and I guess that wasn't so long ago. lol


Well-known member
I'm an eyeshadow girl myself. I have 76 eyeshadows,2 holiday palletes, 4 quads, 3 liners, 2 blushes, 2 MSF's, 1 beauty powder, 32 Full sized pigments, 4 CCB, 4 PP, 2 slimshines, 1 tendertone, 1 lipglass. So besides my skincare from MAC, and foundation, the only thing i am close to running out of is my blacktrack fluidline. Some have never been used, and lately I've been mainly using my Fafi 1 quad


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i have many eyeshadows that are still untouched because most of them are not suitable for work.. i miss college days when i used to put bright colors and do the more fun looks =/


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I have all the NARS duos, some singles and a lot of DIOR quints. I have a train case full of lipstick, I go through a tube every three days. I have big lips, I wear a lot of lipstick. If its something I don't use or it has lasted more than two years, it gets tossed. I am constantly buying lipstick.

Last month I brought 42 empty lipstick tubes back to MAC, MAC isn't my favourite lipstick, but its half the price of high end lipsticks so I don't feel too bad about applying it like crazy.


Well-known member
just finished counting my stuff, i own:
90 full size pigments and 2 pigments vials
91 eye shadows
6 holiday eyes palletes
4 quads
16 MSF and 9 BP and 25 blushes
6 lipsticks and 8 lipgelees and 5 Tinted lip conditioner

geez, better not let my hubby sees what i wrote here..
i don't own any lipglass as i hate their stickiness and i'm more of eyeshadow and blush person.. i try to use each of every items i have by using different colors everyday.. haven't hit pan on any e/s or put a dent on any piggies..

now... gotta find me more space for upcoming shadows and pigments!!!


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Originally Posted by HoneyLicious
i don't own any lipglass as i hate their stickiness and i'm more of eyeshadow and blush person..

Not trying to convert you or anything (or maybe I am
), but have you tried their lusterglass? Not sticky and suuuper shiny


Well-known member
I'm also one of those with little budget for make up so I just buy what I'm really going to use but not used up anything yet :p I don't wear make up everyday cuz I spend 8h in front of a computer so for me make up at work feels like it's such a waste


Well-known member
I own very little MAC - three eyeshadows, four paints/paint pots (love them!), one blush, one liquidlast, one lip liner, one mascara and five lipsticks.
The lipstick collection is definitely the fastest-growing one, but I've gone through three or four tubes of Bare Canvas, I'm on my second Point Black Liquidlast and I will probably need to buy another Painterly this year - I really love the MAC stuff I own and I use about half of it daily, the other half gets more occasional wear.

I like neutral eyes with bold lips and/or cheeks, that's beginning to show.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kuuipo
I go through a tube every three days. I have big lips, I wear a lot of lipstick.

Oh wow, really? I can't even imagine!! I've had some lipsticks for 5 years and there's still more than half left.

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